“Get the tech back in tech.” and other twinks…
@davewiner Dave Winer ☮
Scripting News: Get the tech back in tech.
@smashingmag Smashing Magazine
A nice overview: Tools for the next generation of Web applications - http://bit.ly/z8VVRi
@smashingmag Smashing Magazine
A very useful reference table: The State Of HTML5 Video - http://bit.ly/zqolo8
@timoreilly Tim O'Reilly
How the US lost out on iPhone jobs http://nyti.ms/zZW61e Makes clear that it isn't just labor costs that makes the US uncompetitive
@maryjofoley Mary Jo Foley
What's it like building apps for Windows 8? Developers speak out: http://www.zdnet.com/blog/microsoft/whats-it-like-building-apps-for-windows-8-developers-speak-out/11704 #windows8
@codinghorror Jeff Atwood
Defeating SOPA and PIPA Isn't Enough http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2012/01/defeating-sopa-and-pipa-isnt-enough.html
@gshackles Greg Shackles
Spent some time getting to know #SignalR tonight, really awesome framework. Highly recommended for .NET devs http://signalr.net
@thecodeproject The Code Project
Repository Pattern with Entity Framework 4.1 and Code First http://bit.ly/usok1g
@elijahmanor $( '#Elijah-Manor' )
"Knockout 2.0.0 is Available: Top 5 New Features" by @john_papa #javascript j.mp/ti119J
@smashingmag Smashing Magazine
phpminiadmin: a lightweight alternative to heavy phpMyAdmin for quick and easy access MySQL databases - http://bit.ly/Ru2TD #useful
@ShawnWildermuth Shawn Wildermuth
IE6 coming to an end as IE team is pushing update to XP, Vista and Win7 users: http://shawnw.me/uobd7H
@denisejacobs Denise Jacobs
Great resource: Difference between adaptive and responsive web design http://bit.ly/rLVcVp
@smashingmag Smashing Magazine
A nice presentation by @paul_irish: HTML5 History and Terminology - http://bit.ly/swA39q
@smashingmag Smashing Magazine
Knyle Style Sheets (KSS): provides a methodology for writing maintainable, documented CSS - http://bit.ly/tTPvCy
@ShawnWildermuth Shawn Wildermuth
How Microsoft is moving towards a single platform - TechRadar UK http://shawnw.me/rTtpYB #xaml
@elijahmanor $( '#Elijah-Manor' )
"Are jQuery Users Fools?" by @envatowebdev #jquery http://jj6.go.ly
@ShawnWildermuth Shawn Wildermuth
Great Apps for Windows Phone 7 http://shawnw.me/vKuo74 #wp7
@elijahmanor $( '#Elijah-Manor' )
"Asynchronous UIs - the future of web user interfaces" by @maccman #javascript http://joa.go.ly
@briannoyes Brian Noyes
My latest article on Prism MVVM and Commands is out: http://bit.ly/uQoAYS
@toddanglin Todd Anglin
The Benefits of HTML5 Are Growing More Apparent http://angl.in/ugZUJm /by @ness_tech
@julielerman Julie Lerman
Wow...I didn't know that @briannoyes wrote an ebook on RIA Services! People, it's $2.99! Just get it. http://juliel.me/r5a4CF (thx @di_ku)
@MSExpression MSExpression
Tip 424: IntelliSense for #PHP overview - http://bit.ly/ptWtCX - #Expression #Web #msexp
@davewiner Dave Winer ☮
A few simple requests for developers who make Twitter clients. http://r2.ly/6va5