
When in bower doubt, delete all of your components and reinstall?

When you have the bandwidth just delete everything in your \bower_components folder and run bower install. Why resort to this?The output of my reinstall displayed this warning:

Please note that,
angular-embed-codepen#1.1.1 depends on angular#~1.2.21 which resolved to angular#1.2.28
angular-ui-sortable#0.13.4 depends on angular#>=1.2.x which resolved to angular#1.2.28
angular-animate#1.4.4, angular-loader#1.4.4, angular-mocks#1.4.4, angular-route#1.4.4, angular-sanitize#1.4.4 depends on angular#1.4.4 which resolved to angular#1.4.4
angulike#1.2.0 depends on angular#>=1.2.16 which resolved to angular#1.4.4
angular-seed#a50f4c8a7a depends on angular#~1.4.0 which resolved to angular#1.4.4
angular-ui-bootstrap-bower#0.13.3 depends on angular#>=1.3.0 which resolved to angular#1.4.4
Resort to using angular#>=1.4.x which resolved to angular#1.4.4

Code incompatibilities may occur.I recently installed a bower package that downgraded my angular package from 1.4.x to 1.2.x. I do not know why this is possible by default in bower—so this drastic move is the only way I know how to deal with this issue (today).