
The Songhay System Ubuntu VMs in review…

The fact that Windows 10 will add a “real” Ubuntu-based bash shell very soon does suggest that I’ll not need Ubuntu VM’s for software development. There are three non-development areas where I think VMs will be in play for quite some time:

The Ubuntu VM as a “mirror”

For folksy/legendary and probably out-of-date technical reasons, I trust Linux disks to handle tens of thousands of tiny files per folder. It follows that I trust Linux to “mirror” all of the content of, a Songhay System web site that dates back to 1998. I am also encouraged to used Linux because of its killer app, rsync.

The Ubuntu VM as a backup “device”

With an understanding that there are services like Carbonite, I still feel the folksy need to “manually” backup stuff (while still in the cloud). The way toward that is via the Linux VM.

The Ubuntu VM as an email-client host/archive

Over a decade ago the macro-virus outbreak made Outlook and other desktop email clients on Windows deeply insecure. In response, I ran to the Linux desktop (using Thunderbird) and stayed there ever since.

The Ubuntu VM as an open-source desktop publishing ‘experiment’

In “Songhay Studio: second printing of ‘the adolescence of the cool,’ my chapbook, will be based on open source software,” I’m celebrating the use of tools like Scribus and GIMP to design publications. This does not mean that I would not be tempted to rent Adobe After Effects from Adobe but I must take precautions and support “open” alternatives.