
studio status report: 2019-03

excited about Songhay System being on NPM

Songhay System on npm

The 20-month siege to obtain the fundamental ability to share/reuse code in Javascript framework developed by one of the wealthiest companies in the world is finally over. Now the Songhay studio can steam ahead with view toward bigger business. The first step is getting this shared/reusable Javascript on npm!

I remember when I opened my npm account years and years ago seriously doubting that I would see a day like this.

Today the studio development schedule looks like this:

  • finish modernizing @songhay/player-video-you-tube into a ready state
  • use the learnings from existing npm packages to build @songhay/player-audio-???
  • convert the kinté space blog to Hexo (this has been an emergency for years)
  • set up automated social-media posting with Azure logic apps (and a queue of some kind?)
  • introduce splash pages to the Day Path blog (an SEO emergency—for years)
  • modernize the kinté hits page into a progressive web app
  • use the learnings of previous work to upgrade and re-release the kinté space

I assume that this work can be completed in 2019. No more studio emergencies going on—for years.

the GiHub credentials drama solved?

Long story short: reinstalling Microsoft Git Credential Manager for Windows appears to have fixed the problem.