flippant remarks about DGML and Visual Studio code visualization
In 2008, Cameron Skinner of Microsoft wrote, “Introduction to Directed Graph Markup Language (DGML).” In the comments of this post, Chris Lovett is mentioned as an architect working on DGML and Sadi Khan as a Program Manager. Lovett developed DgmlPowerTools. The last time @VisualStudio tweeted about DGML was in 2017. A developer from Turkey developed Visual DGML as a Visual Studio Extension.
Because the Class Diagram is the other way to visualize code in Visual Studio, I tend to group these two together. In the official documentation, these two are grouped under “Visualize code” along with:
Code maps and dependency diagrams appear to be applications of DGML. These DGML applications are associated with a wealth of recommended developer practices:
- “Use code maps to debug your applications”
- “Map methods on the call stack while debugging in Visual Studio”
- “Find potential problems using code map analyzers”
Some recommended videos: