
studio status report: 2019-11

month 11 is about a day-job 🐰🕳 and the Tweeted Links Builder

The day job leads me to lodge some issues, reminding me to revive and research a few things:

The switch to an 11ty-based, markdown-based world means the Tweeted Links system has to get in line. The next release of Songhay.Dashboard [GitHub] will show this move, covered in a GitHub issue.

In concert, resolution of this Blog repo issue should allow Blogging Tweeted Links to resume in the Studio:

Feedly Drama

My Blog Atom Feed template generates valid output but will still not function correctly when imported into Feedly. In Feedly, the article links point to the top-level web site instead of the article. As of now, I assume that Feedly’s fetcher is caching a previous, incorrect version(s) of my feed (while somehow showing new entries 😑🤷‍♀️—not very likely).

Relevant quote from Feedly:

If you have an questions or would like to get early access to the kit, please email with information about what is driving your interest.

Research link: 📚

Azure WebJobs Drama

It helps to remind myself that the Azure WebJob investments are not even archived (online). There is a test, ShouldZipDeploymentForAzure, in Songhay.Player.Shell.Tests that points to files in a folder that is gone (as far as I know as of this writing). My intent is to move out of Azure WebJobs toward Azure Functions, calling routines in a library designed to run in the Songhay System Shell Activities architecture (implementing IActivity [GitHub]).

All of this is important because my original design of the WebJob that updates my YouTube feeds will fail when it runs into problems with a single YouTube channel. This means that one ‘bad’ channel can prevent all channels from being updated. This is really becoming a problem in 2019 as more channels seem to ‘fail’ and as the YouTube API seems to be less reliable.

I have updated my schedule (below) to make Songhay.Player.Shell.Tests a top priority (which cuts in line ahead of my previous obligations 🙄). This prioritization recognizes my need to update my resume and canonize my day-job learnings around Azure Functions.

sketching out a development schedule (revision 5)

Today the studio development schedule looks like this:

  • get 11ty pipelines running with the FunkyKB
  • migrate Thunderbird email to new Hyper-V Ubuntu VM
  • move the kinté space blog to an 11ty pipeline (this has been another emergency for years)
  • update with my new @songhay/player-video-you-tube
  • convert the Day Path blog to 11ty
  • add markdown support to Tweeted Links Builder
  • build out Songhay.Player.Shell and plug into Azure Functions ☁🤖
  • use @songhay/index as a side-car app for “Day Path” and “the rasx() context” 🚛📦
  • use the learnings from existing npm packages to build @songhay/player-audio-??? 📦✨
  • set up automated social-media posting with Azure logic apps (and Azure functions orchestration) ☁🤖
  • modernize the kinté hits page into a progressive web app 💄✨
  • convert Day Path Blog and to HTTPs by default 🔐
  • use the learnings of previous work to upgrade and re-release the kinté space 🚀