studio status report: 2020-06
month 6 of 2020 was about recuperation and promotion
“A Return to Progressive Enhancement with LitHtml and 11ty
(@eleven_ty)” marks my debut into the latest fashion trend of technical blogging from at least three years ago. My post speaks for itself so let’s conserve space here.
The recuperation part was about moving more of my OneNote content to Joplin and seeing the next little bit of routine development upwards from SonghayCore
- [ ] release next
project 📦🚀 - [ ] upgrade packages dependent on
📦⬆ - [ ] release next
project 📦🚀
This work is looking forward to upgrading to .NET 3.x.
mermaid and basic image support for blogging
The rise of Joplin in the Studio has pushed me toward a basic image pipeline for my Visual-Studio-Code-based blogging. The Paste Image extension is key to this new routine:
- compose the Mermaid diagram in Joplin
- screen-capture it with the OS
- paste it into the active Markdown document is Visual Studio Code
These are the Paste Image settings (at the folder level) for this Blog:
"pasteImage.insertPattern": "${imageSyntaxPrefix}../presentation/image/${imageFileName}${imageSyntaxSuffix}",
"pasteImage.namePrefix": "day-path-",
"pasteImage.path": "${projectRoot}/presentation/image/"
Studio packages dependent on SonghayCore
will retire upon the move to .NET Core 3.xSonghay.DataAccess
is in serious need of a revival
sketching out a development schedule (revision 9)
The schedule of the month:
build lunr index experience🏗- use
as a side-car app for “Day Path” and “the rasx() context” 🚛📦 - consider upgrading to .NET 3.0
- add Stills API to
(b-roll player) 🕸🌩 - add proposed content Web component
- use the learnings from existing npm packages to build
📦✨ - modernize the kinté hits page into a progressive web app 💄✨
- convert Day Path Blog and to HTTPs by default 🔐
- use the learnings of previous work to upgrade and re-release the kinté space 🚀