
studio status report: 2021-06

month 06 of 2021 was about bringing b-roll Activities to center stage

Month 06 saw two releases of SonghayCore 📦, 5.2.0 and 5.2.1. These releases were about absorbing studio-wide patterns mostly from Songhay.Player (the b-roll player), advancing IActivity concerns and putting the finishing touches on the new Azure Storage REST API support introduced last month.

the IActivity subset of SonghayCore

The following table will summarize the IActivity-related types in SonghayCore, indicating recent changes:

name remarks
IActivity Defines an Activity with ProgramArgs input.
IActivityConfigurationSupport Adds IConfigurationRoot [📖 docs] support to an Activity.
IActivityWithOutput<TInput, TOutput> Extends IActivity with synchronous I/O. ✨ See issue #122.
IActivityWithTask Extends IActivity with asynchronous invocation.
IActivityWithTask<TInput> Extends IActivity with asynchronous invocation, accepting input.
IActivityWithTaskOutput<TOutput> Extends IActivity with asynchronous invocation, returning output.
IActivityWithTask<TInput, TOutput> Extends IActivity with asynchronous invocation, accepting input and returning output.
ActivitiesGetter Defines the in-memory storage and getting of IActivity types.
ActivityOutput Defines the conventional output of IActivityWithTask types.
IActivityExtensions Extensions of IActivity. ✨ See issue #120.
ProgramArgs Defines conventional command-line arguments. ✨ See issues #121 and #123.

Azure Storage REST API support in SonghayCore

Issues #118 and #125 (a bug 🐛) mark the advent of Azure Storage REST API support in SonghayCore. This is huge news! It is my introduction to Shared Key Authorization which I currently refuse to believe is a Microsoft-only technique. I assume that this form of REST authorization is a gateway to industry-wide practices that a “friendly” SDK can hide.

One file, HttpRequestMessageExtensions.AzureStorage.cs [GitHub] of less than 200 lines of code (excluding XML docs), replaces the entire Songhay.Cloud.BlobStorage 📦 package! (This is largely because there was never a need for that much functionality in the Azure Storage SDK.) The Songhay.Cloud.BlobStorage repo will drift at sea for a while and will be archived later. This move lines up with my previous statement about moving away from ‘repository-patterning as an ongoing study.’

bringing b-roll Activities to center stage

Just a few months ago, b-roll player logic sat in an ASP.NET Core API and in Songhay,Player.Activities. This is an undesired arrangement as an API layer should call logic inside of Songhay,Player.Activities. The development schedule sketch (below) is revised to show this work (“centralize all Songhay.Player logic under Activities”) as done.

Much of this work was made possible by the Azure Storage REST API support added to the Core and increasing my understanding of progressive download, specifically my understanding of the Stream.CopyTo method [📖 docs]. I admit that there was the ignorant temptation to load MP3 files into server memory in a byte array but such extravagant and naïve allocations not scalable.

This work on progressive download via explicit use of Stream brings b-roll player functionality completely inside of Activities instead of depending on a server layer’s underlying Stream.

what i learned about explicit use of Stream

The intent of IActivity and the interfaces that descend from it is to brightly and clearly define how to process input and output.

However, when a Stream is either input or output, it will likely be closed (unusable) at runtime when crossing the boundary where it was allocated. Unless I am deeply mistaken, Stream is the only type that is totally devoted to throughput. Unless I am deeply mistaken again, my intent to handle throughput is indicated by passing around the strategy Action<Stream>.

There is the temptation to stay devoted to existing IActivity-based contracts and express this:

public class ProgressiveAudioActivity : IActivityWithTask<(ProgramArgs args, streamAction Action<Stream>)>

But this tuple input will not work (conveniently) on the command-line level. Another approach is to avoid Stream I/O entirely and return the object ‘hosting’ the stream:

public class PresentationStorageActivity : IActivityWithTask<ProgramArgs, HttpResponseMessage>

But I think this approach is failure to understand that passing around an IDisposable is only possible when using is never used and I think this delicate handling is a recipe for a memory-leak disaster.

So my interim solution is to define public async Task DownloadStreamAsync(string presentationKey, string fileName, Action<Stream> streamAction) as a quick and dirty way to make throughput available in Activities not running from the command line.

Later, this could be formalized in contracts like:

public interface IActivityWithThroughput<IDisposable> : IActivity
    void Start(Action<IDisposable> throughputAction)

public interface IActivityWithTaskThroughput<IDisposable> : IActivity
    Task StartAsync(Action<IDisposable> throughputAction)

By chaining IActivity contracts, command-line support should be possible. And, yes, I was deeply mistaken: any class implementing IDisposable should be regarded as throughput.

BTW, this is what I mean by ‘chaining IActivity contracts’:

    class MyActivityWithOutput : IActivityWithOutput<ProgramArgs, string>
        static MyActivityWithOutput() => traceSource = TraceSources.Instance.GetConfiguredTraceSource().WithSourceLevels();
        static TraceSource traceSource;

        public string DisplayHelp(ProgramArgs args) => "There is no help.";

        public void Start(ProgramArgs args) =>

        public string StartForOutput(ProgramArgs args)
            var output = $"output: {this.DoMyOtherRoutine(this.DoMyRoutine())}";


            return output;
        internal string DoMyOtherRoutine(string input) =>
            $"The other routine is done. [{nameof(input)}: {input ?? "[null]"}]";

        internal string DoMyRoutine() => "The routine is done.";

We see IActivity.Start() is chained to IActivityWithOutput<ProgramArgs, string>.StartForOutput(). The code above is in a SonghayCore test file as of this writing.

sketching out a development schedule (revision 17)

The schedule of the month:

  • centralize all Songhay.Player logic under Activities
  • generate Publication indices from LiteDB for Songhay.Publications.KinteSpace
  • build Web components required for new version of 🖼
  • upgrade songhay-ng-workspace to Angular latest 📦↑
  • complete project associated with new version of ✅
  • use @songhay/index as a side-car app for “Day Path” and “the rasx() context” 🚛📦
  • add proposed content Web component
  • use the learnings from existing npm packages to build @songhay/player-audio-??? 📦✨
  • modernize the kinté hits page into a progressive web app 💄✨
  • convert Day Path Blog and to HTTPs by default 🔐
  • use the learnings of previous work to upgrade and re-release the kinté space 🚀