
studio status report: 2021-11

month 11 of 2021 was about discovering why F# is a core Publication language

This is my third month of making mention of my public study of F#. For the last two months I assumed that my study of F# would be a background, far-flung-future thing, helping me to think about how to get “real” work done (better). Then I learned about F# discriminated unions (DUs) and yet another layer of proverbial of scales fell from my eyes. Trying to explain DUs to the c-like language world (which is effectively “everyone” who “codes”) is like trying to explain why a ‘dialect’ of regular-expression syntax is useful for expressing class hierarchies. What? Exactly.

This huge revelation leads me in a few directions:

  • i have decided to rewrite/upgrade Songhay.Desktop in an F# flavor of Blazor called Bolero; a new GitHub project is opened and underway
  • i am investigating the F# equivalent of eleventy, Fornax

These F#-based moves have the following repercussions:

  • generating HTML with Bolero/Blazor will delay or eliminate the use of Web components—like the proposed content Web component
  • the kinté hits page will likely be done in Bolero
  • the @songhay/index work in Angular will likely be translated into Bolero and NuGet-packaged
  • plans for @songhay/player-audio-??? will likely be moved toward Bolero

I had no idea that my study of F# would be so disruptive! I am not sure that my relatively new songhay-core [GitHub] project will not be deleted.

i have learned that my Python work with pyo on Linux is not possible by default

On Ubuntu, we have PulseAudio for general audio needs and JACK for high-performance, professional applications. pyo requires JACK but it is not installed by default the version of Ubuntu in use in my studio (20.04). The Linux audio-production world is eagerly watching the release of Pipewire as the solution for running PulseAudio and JACK side by side.

I have started a Python-based study of audio that basically starts off with stuff we can do with PulseAudio.

sketching out a development schedule (revision 19)

The schedule of the month:

  • build as a first Bolero project for my Studio 🖼
  • generate Publication indices from LiteDB for Songhay.Publications.KinteSpace
  • complete project associated with new version of ✅
  • use the learnings of previous work in Bolero to upgrade and re-release the kinté space 🚀
  • convert Day Path Blog and to HTTPs by default 🔐