my state of Ergotron: 2022
Ergotron offers Mobile Workstations mostly for hospital or medical laboratory applications which means safety is key. The safer the product the more expensive it is. This means that mounting an Ergotron arm on a “worksurface” is considered an unsatisfactory risk. For example mounting an arm on the TeachWell might topple it over:
[ 🔗 Ergotron ]
Moreover, the clamping force of the Ergotron arm might crack the “phenolic worksurface” of the TeachWell®. Paying $800 for these risks is not attractive.
What Ergotron offers instead, is the Neo-Flex® LCD Cart:
[🔗 Ergotron ]
This cart is designed to support a monitor on an arm—but it is limited to 27"—and the arm itself is rather short (to reduce the risk of toppling):
For a couple-hundred dollars more, we can safely cart around monitors up to 42" with the Neo-Flex® WideView WorkSpace:
[🔗 Ergotron ]
I assume that all of the carts aforementioned can support LiFeKinnex Technology, supplying the carts with Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) battery power so they can roll around freely! However, the price for this convenience is rather steep: looks like it’s about two grand to get started.
Finally, the Neo-Flex® Mobile MediaCenter UHD can hold up to 80-inch monitors:
[🔗 Ergotron ]
This model is actually less expensive than the Neo-Flex® WideView WorkSpace in part because (I assume) it does not support LiFeKinnex Technology and the tray does not have retractable surfaces for a mouse.