
studio status report: 2023-07

month 07 of 2023 was about almost finishing the Songhay.Player.ProgressiveAudio project one last time

My report for last month did not mention that songhay release 0.3.5 šŸ“¦šŸš€ [GitHub] was released in month 06. Mentioning this makes the completion of Songhay.Modules.Bolero release 6.3.0 šŸ“¦šŸš€ [GitHub] in month 07 line up with an actual plan. The fact that Songhay.Player.ProgressiveAudio release 6.0.0ā€ [GitHub] is still incomplete makes even me think, Do I have a plan to actually get this done?

The leading cause of my delays are new discoveries in the Studio. My selected Obsidian notes below should reveal that my relationship with SVG has vastly improved. This is a discovery that allows me to take great steps forward. The other kind of Studio discovery makes me take steps backwardā€”and that is what a emergency dependencies release like Songhay.Modules.Bolero release 6.3.0 šŸ“¦šŸš€ [GitHub] represents.

selected Obsidian notes

Obsidian graph view, month 07

[[Songhay Modules Bolero (Fā™Æ)]]: yes, it is all working butā€¦

ā€¦centralizing a [<JSInvokable>] method in a dedicated class like this:

 method in a dedicated class

ā€¦does not work when we are expecting the state of f to change ā€˜by referenceā€™ which is why I do not recommend using a type like this even though it has been recommended by others.

day job report: flippant remarks about [[Entity Framework]]

  1. make the repository connection string internal and visible to relevant test projects
  2. to avoid going to full-blown SQL Server Integration Services, use an [[XUnit]] test class (with Skip attributes) to retrieve data in hierarchical entities to be saved as a JSON ā€˜treeā€™ šŸŒ³
  3. load a JSON ā€˜treeā€™ šŸŒ³ in a test method, hydrate the tree into hierarchical entities and use a LINQ Flatten routine to DELETE any existing data on the target database for an INSERT (this approach should be documented in a [[Jupyter]] notebook #to-do)
  4. take advantage of DbSet<TEntity>.Add(TEntity) [šŸ“– docs ] to auto-generate the INSERT statements needed
  5. do not use DbSet<TEntity>.Find [šŸ“– docs ] and DbSet<TEntity>.Remove [šŸ“– docs ] to delete an entity; use RelationalDatabaseFacadeExtensions.ExecuteSqlRaw [šŸ“– docs ] instead

day job report: the minimum needed for [[Songhay Activity]] functionality

The following seven files need to be explored in, say, a [[Jupyter]] notebook for the sake of documentation #to-do :

file location remarks
IActivity.cs GitHub synchronous Start based on ProgramArgs
IProgramAssemblyInfo.cs GitHub interface to assembly metadata
IActivityExtensions.Lazy.cs GitHub features the GetActivity method for the ā€˜Activity Getterā€™
ProgramArgsExtensions._.cs GitHub centralizes routines for argument and command-line help text handling
ActivitiesGetter.cs GitHub lazy-loads Activities into memory
ProgramArgs.cs GitHub conventional command-line arguments
ProgramAssemblyInfo.cs GitHub conventional assembly information for display text

[[Fā™Æ]]: a video questioning the awesomeness of Result<,_>

In Defense of Exceptions: Throw away your Result (Roman ProvazniĢk)

In Defense of Exceptions: Throw away your Result (Roman ProvazniĢk)

[[the kintƩ space]]: [[Twitter]] frame is dead?

Is this just temporary or just more of the endā“

[[Twitter]] frame is dead

yes, [[Microsoft Edge]] was broken yesterdayā€¦

ā€¦and today it looks like it was fixed:

[[Microsoft Edge]] was broken yesterday

I assume the [[Canonical]] people broke something the [[Microsoft]] people depended on. And, because I blindly update [[Ubuntu]] every day with ucaresystem-core, there was a day or two of inconvenience.

SVG experiments in [[Obsidian]]?

The short answer is yes. This is the ā€˜naĆÆveā€™ 96-24 circular button:

<button style="width:96px; height: 96px; border-radius: 96px; border-width: 0; padding: 0;">
    <svg width="96" height="96">
        <polygon fill="orange" points="24,0 96,48 24,96" />

This is the 96-24 circular button with an svg.viewBox:

<button style="width:96px; height: 96px; border-radius: 96px; border-width: 0; padding: 0;">
    <svg width="96" height="96" viewbox="-40 -50 180 190">
        <polygon fill="orange" points="24,0 96,48 24,96" />

In this design, the viewBox [šŸ“– docs ] is controlling the ā€˜paddingā€™ around the arrow with respect to the button. These values are eye-balled šŸ‘€ where the -40 180 pair is regarded as pan-width values and the -50 190, pedestal-height values. The terms pan and pedestal refer to cinematic camera moves.

Now I will try to scale down this 96 button to a 64 button:

<button style="width:64px; height: 64px; border-radius: 64px; border-width: 0; padding: 0;">
    <svg width="64" height="64" viewbox="-40 -50 180 190">
        <polygon fill="orange" points="24,0 96,48 24,96" />

What about a 32:


<button style="width:32px; height: 32px; border-radius: 32px; border-width: 0; padding: 0;">
    <svg width="32" height="32" viewbox="-40 -50 180 190">
        <polygon fill="orange" points="24,0 96,48 24,96" />

This experiment shows that SVG polygon.points do not need to be changed when ā€˜scalingā€™ because of a single svg.viewBox setting. This is wonderful! However, the scaling strategy described here requires all of these values to be changed to the same quantity:

  • button width style
  • button height style
  • button border-radius style
  • svg.width
  • svg.height

more SVG experiments in [[Obsidian]]

[[2023-07-19#SVG experiments in Obsidian ?|Yesterday]], I showed myself how important svg.viewBox is. But I also see that about 5 settings are needed to ā€˜scaleā€™ an SVG inside of a container like a button.

However, [[Songhay Dashboard (Fā™Æ, Cā™Æ)]] is out there in production doing stuff like this:

![[[Songhay Dashboard (Fā™Æ, Cā™Æ)]] SVG(../../image/day-path-2023-07-30-11-24-27.png)

[!question] Is preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" eliminating the need to set svg.width and svg.height?

Letā€™s start with this:

<button style="width:96px; height: 96px; border-radius: 96px; border-width: 0; padding: 0;">
    <svg width="96" height="96" viewbox="-40 -50 180 190">
        <polygon fill="orange" points="24,0 96,48 24,96" />

Now, letā€™s replace two svg attributes with one preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet":

<button style="width:96px; height: 96px; border-radius: 96px; border-width: 0; padding: 0;">
    <svg preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" viewbox="-40 -50 180 190">
        <polygon fill="orange" points="24,0 96,48 24,96" />

Does this really mean the answer to our question is yes?

Now, according to the [[Mozilla]] docs for preserveAspectRatio the setting above, "xMidYMid meet", is the defaultā€”this means we could do this:

<button style="width:96px; height: 96px; border-radius: 96px; border-width: 0; padding: 0;">
    <svg viewbox="-40 -50 180 190">
        <polygon fill="orange" points="24,0 96,48 24,96" />

So it must be svg.viewBox doing all of the heavy lifting! It follows that the answer to our question is noā€”but the default preserveAspectRatio helps.

I think I understand why I have preserveAspectRatio explicitly set in production: I am an old man šŸ‘“ that still does not trust modern browsers!

This experiment shows that only three values need to be changed for my SVG scaling recipe:

  • button width style
  • button height style
  • button border-radius style

The great news is that all of these values are set in CSS.

[[Sara Soueidan]]: back in 2014 I am sure I read Sarahā€™s introduction to viewPort

I assume that ā€œUnderstanding SVG Coordinate Systems and Transformations (Part 1) ā€” The viewport, viewBox, and preserveAspectRatioā€ was my first introduction to viewBoxā€”but Sarah took on the huge responsibility of introducing viewBox with a ā€œview portā€ concept associated with svg.width and svg.height. This clearly has been too much responsibility for me! Today I prefer Amelia telling me to ā€œforgetā€ about width and height.

[!info] Sarah is trying to tell me everything while Amelia is trying to tell me to start with viewBox.

Now I can ask the SVG question of the century:

[!question] When will my SVG-based designs require custom settings for svg.width, svg.height and svg.viewBox instead of just svg.viewBox? #to-do

Sarahā€™s viewBox demo needs to be added to the [[Songhay Dashboard (Fā™Æ, Cā™Æ)]] #to-do


the word scalable in SVG comes with complications

Every introduction to SVG graphics should come with the [[Amelia Bellamy-Royds]] article, ā€œHow to Scale SVGā€ which directs our attention to the key fundamental:

SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics. So, scaling SVG should be easy, right? Isnā€™t that what the SVG advocates have been saying all along, that SVG looks good at any size? It is, but yet it isnā€™t. SVG looks great at any scale, but it can scale in so many different ways that getting it to behave just the way you want can be confusing for SVG beginners. It doesnā€™t help that browsers have only recently started to adopt a standard approach to sizing inline SVG content.

The cultural reason why most technical topics in the English language are not introduced this way is because these observations are emotionally ā€œnegativeā€ā€”like the following:

SVG images, in contrast, can be drawn at any pixel size, so they donā€™t need a clearly defined height or width. And they wonā€™t always have a clearly defined aspect ratio. Youā€™re going to need to explicitly provide this information (and more) if you want the SVG to scale to fit the dimensions you give it.

Expressing ā€œdonā€™tā€ and ā€œwonā€™tā€ feels negative but clarifies for me what has always unpleasantly surprised me about my work with SVG. I tend to forget the scaling issues until I canā€™t. In fact, it has never occurred to me that:

ā€¦SVG isnā€™t (just) an image. SVG is a document.

In the same manner there is a ā€œview portā€ for the entire HTML document, there must be a ā€œview portā€ for every SVG visual. And Amelia warns us that svg.height and svg.width are not implicitly defining an aspect ratio like what happens with raster imagesā€”more ā€œnegativityā€ that is much needed. Flat out she says:

ā€¦forgetĀ heightĀ andĀ width. You donā€™t actually want to set theĀ exactĀ height and width anyway, you want the SVG to scale to match the width and/or height you set in the CSS. What you want is to set anĀ aspect ratioĀ for the image, and have the drawing scale to fit. You want aĀ viewBox.

What Amelia is implying here is the key fundamental of SVG (expressed in terms of markup):

[!important] The svg.viewBox attribute is not optional. It should be regarded as the required way to ā€˜seeā€™ the visual displayed.

The viewBox does many things:

  • It defines the aspect ratio of the image.
  • It defines how all the lengths and coordinates used inside the SVG should be scaled to fit the total space available.
  • It defines the origin of the SVG coordinate system, the point where x=0 and y=0.

Amelia then spends the rest of her 2015 article trying to teach us to get familiar with svg.viewBox.

sketching out development projects

The current, unfinished public projects on GitHub:

  • finish the ā€œSonghay.Player.ProgressiveAudio release 6.0.0ā€ project
  • start the ā€œSonghayCore šŸ“¦āœØ release 6.0.5ā€ project

The proposed project items:

  • replace the Angular app in with a Bolero app šŸšœšŸ”„
  • add kintĆ© space presentations support to Songhay.Player.YouTube šŸ”Ø šŸšœāœØ
  • generate Publication indices from LiteDB for Songhay.Publications.KinteSpace
  • generate a new repo with proposed name, Songhay.Modules.Bolero.Index āœØšŸš§ and add a GitHub Project
  • switch Studio from Material Design to Bulma šŸ’„ āž”ļø šŸ’„āœØ