
‘I prefer not using multiple IQueryable.Join() calls’ and other EF notes…

I haven’t checked with Julie Lerman but I think I’m an intermediate Entity Framework DbContext developer. I have enough experience to need to write some things down about what little I know.

Warning: I prefer to use the “dot syntax” when I write LINQ-to-Entities queries.

Warning: these notes are confined to Entity Framework over Microsoft SQL Server.

I prefer not using multiple IQueryable<T>.Join() calls.

I have yet to find a situation where I need to use IQueryable<T>.Join(). This is because (so far) I’ve been tempted to use joins to perform lookups. My problem with this temptation is what I call the ‘cascading anonymous object’ effect—because one rarely does more than one lookup one will be tempted to write multiple Join() calls—very messy:

var ctx = GetContext();
    var statusIdsQuery = ctx.OrderStatuses
        .Select(i => i.OrderStatusId);
    var orderIdsQuery = ctx.OrderDetails
        .Where(i => i.BusinessType == "R")
        .Select(i => i.OrderID);
    var rentalChildrenQuery = XavierContext.QueryRentalChildren()
        .Select(i => i.OrderId);
    var query = ctx.OrderHeaders
        .Where(i => i.OrderId != null)
        .Where(i => i.RequisitionType == "R")
        .Where(i => statusIdsQuery.Contains(i.OrderStatusID))
        .Where(i => !orderIdsQuery.Contains(i.OrderId))
        .Where(i => i.IsRentalParent == false)
        .Where(i => !rentalChildrenQuery.Contains(i.OrderId))
            oh => oh.DepartmentID,
            dept => dept.DepartmentID,
            (oh, dept) => new {oh, dept})
            join => join.oh.OrderStatusID,
            status => status.OrderStatusId,
            (join, status) => new { join, status })
            join => join.join.oh.OrderId,
            detail => detail.OrderID,
            (join, detail) => new { join, detail })
        .OrderByDescending(i => i.join.join.oh.OrderId)
        .Select(i => new Requisition
            OrderId = i.join.join.oh.OrderId,
            OrderNumber = i.join.join.oh.OrderNumber,
            PONumber = i.join.join.oh.PONumber,
            DepartmentName = i.join.join.dept.DepartmentName,
            CustomerName = i.join.join.oh.CustomerName,
            CreatedDt = i.join.join.oh.CreatedDt,
            PriorityFl = i.join.join.oh.PriorityFl,
            OrderStatusDescription = i.join.status.StatusDescription,
            CreatedBy = i.join.join.oh.CreatedBy,
            OrderTotal = i.join.join.oh.OrderDetails.Sum(j => j.TotalAmount)

Do you see all that i.join.join stuff? Yeesh. This might make a programmer proud of surviving the day’s work and “learning” Entity Framework simultaneously. But for me it was not “elegant” enough—which is another way of saying that this design is not maintainable and is hostile to new programmers working with this code. (By the way, why can’t we use a Tuple in a Join() instead of an anonymous object?) So let’s not yet again make a hostile work environment.

This is my attempt at elegance:

var ctx = GetContext();
    var statusIdsQuery = ctx.OrderStatuses
        .Select(i => i.OrderStatusId);
    var orderIdsQuery = ctx.OrderDetails
        .Where(i => i.BusinessType == "R")
        .Select(i => i.OrderID);
    var rentalChildrenQuery = XavierContext.QueryRentalChildren()
        .Select(i => i.OrderId);
    var query = ctx.OrderHeaders
        .Where(i => i.OrderId != null)
        .Where(i => i.RequisitionType == "R")
        .Where(i => statusIdsQuery.Contains(i.OrderStatusID))
        .Where(i => !orderIdsQuery.Contains(i.OrderId))
        .Where(i => i.IsRentalParent == false)
        .Where(i => !rentalChildrenQuery.Contains(i.OrderId))
        .OrderByDescending(i => i.OrderId)
        .Select(i => new Requisition
            OrderId = i.OrderId,
            OrderNumber = i.OrderNumber,
            PONumber = i.PONumber,
            DepartmentName = ctx.Departments.FirstOrDefault(j => j.DepartmentID == i.DepartmentID).DepartmentName,
            CustomerName = i.CustomerName,
            CreatedDt = i.CreatedDt,
            PriorityFl = i.PriorityFl,
            OrderStatusDescription = ctx.OrderStatuses.FirstOrDefault(j => j.OrderStatusId == i.OrderStatusID).StatusDescription,
            CreatedBy = i.CreatedBy,
            OrderTotal = i.OrderDetails.Sum(j => j.TotalAmount)

Use of IQueryable<T>.FirstOrDefault() in an EF Select() expression is awesome!

This would never happen in the Java-world in which I came of age but error messages from the system told how to improve my code Were it not for excellent error messages coming from Entity Framework, I would have never, ever dream that I could use IQueryable<T>.FirstOrDefault() in a Select() expression (don’t use .First<T>() and don’t use .Single<T>()). In my work so far, IQueryable<T>.FirstOrDefault() translates into a LEFT OUTER JOIN, including all of the rows of the lookup table. This type of join is more forgiving for an equijoin; whereas, my ‘messy’ IQueryable<T>.Join() example above, uses INNER JOIN exclusively (this might be a performance benefit—but I still think it’s messy).

What might be considered messy in all of my self-proclaimed elegance is my lack of null checks for .FirstOrDefault(). But what I think is going here is that null checking in ‘IQueryable context’ is not necessary because this expression-tree stuff gets translated into SQL on the server (however, a code analysis tool might pick this up).

By the way, I must admit that I am so amazed by this because LINQ to Entities does way, way less than what LINQ to Objects can do…

Use of IEnumerable<T>.Sum() in an EF Select() expression is surprising!

My limited experience with LINQ to Entities (and its excellent error messages) led me to assume that, once things go IEnumerable<T> in an IQueryable<T> Expression, an error message is not far away—some error telling me what is not supported. So, in my ‘elegant’ query above, I am surprised to find that IEnumerable<T>.Sum() is translated into a column-projection sub-query: (SELECT SUM(…) FROM … WHERE …) AS [C1] (see full listing of t-SQL).

Composing IQueryable<T> objects with IQueryable<T>.Contains().

Obviously I’m thrilled about composing an IQueryable<T>.Select() Expression out of other IQueryable objects (and one surprising IEnumerable). In my examples above, you can see that I’m using IQueryable<T>.Where() calls with IQueryable<T>.Contains(). This translates into an EXISTS/NOT EXISTS constraint on the server.

I have asked myself, ‘How can I get an IN constraint on the server?’ Tests show me that IEnumerable<T>.Contains() translates into IN/NOT IN on the server. So, instead of using .Where(i => !rentalChildrenQuery.Contains(i.OrderId)), which translates into:

        1 AS [CX]
        FROM [dbo].[OrderHeader] AS [ExtentX]
        WHERE (0 = [ExtentN].[IsRentalParent])

I can use .Where(i => !rentalChildrenList.Contains(i.OrderId)), which should translate into:

WHERE NOT IN (1001, 1002, 1003, …)

Note that rentalChildrenList needs to be executed before we enter our query: var rentalChildrenList = rentalChildrenQuery.ToList().

As of today’s notes, I am not sure which one’s better in terms of performance (I think EXISTS is faster)—but I prefer EXISTS because another developer reading my code (and examining any SQL generated by EF) will find EXISTS easier to read (because an IN list can get crazy huge).

Before resorting to IEnumerable<T> operations, consider Canonical Entity Functions…

As an Entity Framework newbie, I assumed that the System.Data.Objects namespace, was exclusively for “internal use,” providing the basic building blocks of the entity framework, providing “…core functionality of Object Services.” However, this namespace contains EntityFunctions, which “…Provides common language runtime (CLR) methods that expose conceptual model canonical functions in LINQ to Entities queries.” What the hell does that mean?

Let’s say you want to do some simple date operation inside of an IQueryable<T>.Select() expression: .Select(i => new DateTime(i.LogStamp.Date)). All I am trying to do here is get the date portion of my LogStamp column so I can show it in a Telerik grid that can filter by the day (instead of by the day and time—which looks silly in a grid). Too bad for me! This operation will not work on the server for several reasons, including:

  • Entity Framework only supports objects with parameter-less constructors.
  • EF does not recognize the .Date property—it cannot be translated into a “store expression.”

What translates easily into store expressions are the members of EntityFunctions. This is what I am looking for: .Select(i => EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(i.LogStamp)). The TruncateTime() function is just one of the many “Canonical Functions”—canonical because they “are supported by all data providers, and can be used by all querying technologies.”

Do not confuse SqlFunctions with EntityFunctions.

Related Links

Subquery Fundamentals

“A subquery is a query that is nested inside a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement, or inside another subquery. A subquery can be used anywhere an expression is allowed.” This feature in SQL Server is actually ‘new’ to me—I’ve got to get out of the pre-2005 timeframe!

Using Joins

I never hurts to review for those rote-memorization, sophomoric interview questions!

Functional difference between ‘NOT IN’ vs ‘NOT EXISTS’ clauses

“When using ‘NOT IN’, the query performs nested full table scans, whereas for ‘NOT EXISTS’, query can use an index within the sub-query.”

Composable and Efficient LINQ Queries

“Whether you come from a functional, procedural, or object oriented background, it’s always a good idea to promote code reuse as much as possible.”

[Entity Framework] Using Include with lambda expressions

“However, there’s something that really bothers me with this Include method: the property path is passed as a string. This approach has two major drawbacks…”

Avoiding NotSupportedException with IQueryable

…my painful introduction to store expressions…

Canonical Functions

Somebody should make a cool, info-graphical poster of these…

Stop using AutoMapper in your Data Access Code

“Whilst I am a big fan of AutoMapper and use it in most projects I work on, especially for Domain to ViewModel mapping, when [it] comes to data access code, AutoMapper is not so useful. To put it simply, AutoMapper only works with in memory data, not the IQueryable interface which is more typically used in DAL scenarios.”

Entity Framework Code First DbContext Checks the ConnectionString During Compile? - Stack Overflow

Research inspired by the “Failed to get the MetadataWorkspace for the DbContext type” error…

According to Jeff Handley: “WCF RIA Services instantiates a DbContext at design time and build time, not only at runtime… In order to generate code into your Silverlight project, RIA Services has to inspect your DbContext at build time in order to get the entity types that are available.”

Also from somebody at Microsoft: “…The difference between EF CodeFirst stand alone and with RIA Services is that we initialize a new DbContext at design time as well. …If the connection string is not valid or the connection can't be established you apparently get the exception you mentioned.”