
My Angular JS 1.x single-page layout

I’ve invested the time. I’m walking away with a Code Pen that represents my strategy for handling layout for the single-page Web apps I’ll be building for at least the next three years (or when I move the Songhay System out of the ECMAScript-5 timeframe).

As usual, my layout is simple:

<body data-ng-app="rxApp">
    <div data-ng-controller="clientController">
        <div data-ng-view=""></div>

So it’s quite clear that rx-header and rx-footer are the Angular directives I’ll be building and certainly reusing. The big breakthrough with this simplicity is my use of a container-level controller, clientController, that observes (and automatically becomes the $parent of) any controllers loaded under ng-view.

I’ve run some experiments with this strategy and saved them:

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