
Songhay Studio: .NET Standard with Songhay.Standard.Core

Introducing .NET Standard

Went with .NET Standard 1.2. These are the consequences:

  • The System.Security.Cryptography namespace is not supported in .NET Standard 1.2. The System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms NuGet package is supported from .NET Standard 1.3 (.NET 4.6) onwards.
  • The TraceSource object is not supported in .NET Standard 1.2. The System.Diagnostics.TraceSource NuGet package is supported from .NET Standard 1.3 (.NET 4.6) onwards.
  • The XPath concept and the XPathNavigator regime is over in .NET Standard.

I have been listening to Immo Landwerth (and corresponding with him over Twitter) and the highlights are these:

  • To support .NET 4.5 (without System.Security.Cryptography, System.Diagnostics.TraceSource, etc.) use .NET Standard 1.2.
  • To support .NET 4.6.1 (with packages for System.Security.Cryptography, System.Diagnostics.TraceSource, etc. but no Windows Desktop (UWP only)) use .NET Standard 1.4.

According to Channel 9 and YouTube videos I’ve watched from Microsoft, we should skip over 1.5 and 1.6 (to avoid breaking changes) to .NET Standard 2.0 when we need to go beyond .NET Standard 1.4. Immo Landwerth says that .NET Standard 1.x is a subset of .NET Core and 2.0 represents “taking a step back” and incorporating as many platforms (including Xamarin) into a standard.