
First Encounter with scriptcs => @scriptcsnet

One of Glenn Block’s post-MEF, post-Microsoft projects is scriptcs. I am currently using scriptcs as the engine of my epub publication pipeline in an effort to use my C# skills and delay (again) the need for me to learn/use Python.

scriptcs is useful to me when it just works on Windows and Linux. I understand now that I am asking for a tall order because my Linux world is split between mono and .NET Core (in serious need of .NET Standard compliance) and scriptcs is trying to live in this world.

The current scriptcs release has no concept of “present working directory.” Glenn (?) let me know via @scriptcsnet that “it’s coming in 0.17.0, avail in our dev branch…” I wrote a workaround that Glenn is not impressed with EnvironmentUtilities.GetScriptFolder(), interrogating command-line arguments:

using System.IO;
public static class EnvironmentUtilities
    public static void ExitWithError(string errorMessage, int errorNumber=1)
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
    public static string GetScriptFolder()
        var pathToScript = Environment
            .FirstOrDefault(i => i.EndsWith(".csx"));
        if(pathToScript == null)
            throw new Exception("GetScriptFolder(): The expected command-line argument is not here.");
        pathToScript = Path.GetFullPath(pathToScript);
        var folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(pathToScript);
        Console.WriteLine("GetScriptFolder(): script folder: {0}", folder);
        return folder;

The current scriptcs release cannot handle NuGet 3.x. Glenn informed me via @scriptcsnet that a fix for this should be on the dev branch. This issue exists for me on both Windows and Linux (and I am using the dev branch on Linux.) I have a horrible workaround for this that involves raiding NuGet package folders (under C# projects) for .NET Standard-ish DLLs and shoving them into a \scriptcs-bin folder, allowing me to use the Rosyln-derived #r directive. Here is my ‘loader’ script, chock full of these directives:

#r "Newtonsoft.Json.dll"
#r "System.IO"
#r "System.Runtime.dll"
#r "Markdig.dll"
#load "scriptcs-environment-utilities.csx"
#load "publication-context.csx"
#load "publication-chapter.csx"
var csxRoot = EnvironmentUtilities.GetScriptFolder();
var pubContext = new PublicationContext(csxRoot);

scriptcs or Rosyln cannot properly parse classes with private members on Linux. A class as simple as the following will not ‘compile’ (or interpret) properly on Linux:

public class Foo
    public string Fubar { get; set; }
    string _foo;

I kept getting an ArgumentOutOfRangeException error message that can easily make one think of a simple runtime array index problem. But the catch is the error throws during initialization/interpretation time (which suggests to me that Rosyln is having trouble parsing something).

I saw the error go away when I did this:

public class Foo
    public string Fubar { get; set; }
    internal string _foo;

but not this:

public class Foo
    public string Fubar { get; set; }
    private string _foo;

I want to say that the Rosyln I am using on Linux is from mono.

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