
“The 2018 front-end performance checklist…” and other Tweeted Links…

Ilya Grigorik [igrigorik] The 2018 front-end performance checklist: [] — must read for every web developer. []

Rob Eisenberg [EisenbergEffect] New Aurelia Blog "Server Side Rendering" []

Jonathan Torke [JonathanTorke] New flexbox guides on #MDN[]#CSS

Jason Bockchain [jasonbock] If you're a .NET developer that does web development, you better start looking at Blazor. This is some SERIOUSLY am… []

UX Podcast [uxpodcast] Episode #176: The insane growth of UX []#ux#podcast#uxresearch[]

Jonathan Torke [JonathanTorke] 10 #UX Influencers To Follow Now []#Design

Jonathan Torke [JonathanTorke] The language of #UX: What we talk about when we talk about design []#uxdesign

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]#178 Games user research with Veronica Zammitto - UX Podcast []

Visual Studio [VisualStudio] This is an interesting case from @SHanselman as he works through upgrading a 10 year old site to @ASPNET Core's Raz… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite][] Core Web API help pages using Swagger | Microsoft Docs []

javinpaul [javinpaul] Why you should not use SELECT * in SQL Query Read more:... []

blackwomenintech [BWiT_ALL] Ask a Data Scientist: What’s Machine Learning? []

Jacob Jedryszek [JakubJedryszek] The @Microsoft Artificial Intelligence Landscape – And What to use When – Carpe Datum []#AI#ML#DeepLearning

Alexandre Mutel [xoofx] This week, I tried to turn-off ReSharper for a few days and by using only Roslyn... but it didn't go well… []

Jessica Kerr [jessitron] git push --force-with-lease It's the new "do things right" flag for force-push. Where by "new" I mean 2015 and I… []

[João Moreno [joaomoreno]]( "João Moreno [joaomoreno]") Did your GitHub credentials stop working with @code? Update to the latest Git for Windows [],… []

Benjamin Pasero [BenjaminPasero] More fun coding on large resolutions: Centered Editor Layout is coming to @code. Check it out in today's insider re… []

Pascal Precht 🐦💨 [PascalPrecht] There were surely many many great talks at @ngVikingsConf, but if there's one I enjoyed a lot, it's @Srushtika pres… []

Python VS Code [pythonvscode] Feb 2018 release of Python for VS Code is now available: supports pipenv and pyenv, fixed many issues related to li… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Guido van Rossum: The Modern Era of Python []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite][]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite][]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite][]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite][]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] I liked a @YouTube video [] Basic Sound Processing in Python | SciPy 2015 | Allen Downey

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Advanced Algorithms (COMPSCI 224), Lecture 1 []@minilek

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Auto-magically convert C# classes into yUML? #35[]@jaime_olivaresf[]

Mark Anthony Neal [NewBlackMan] The End of Owning Music: How CDs and Downloads Died [] via @RollingStone

journey to business value [sadoperator] "put your apps in a container!" they said "devs can manage them!" they said "super easy!" they said []

Brian Beckman [lorentzframe] I do not know if type systems for programming languages that handle units of measure for scalars can handle units o… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@lorentzframe I assume that Mathematica is the term-rewriting language of choice for exactly this scenario and Bria… []

Brian Beckman [lorentzframe]@BryanWilhite Oops, forgot to say "any language except Mathematica" because I need to share my code out. Pint in Py… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@lorentzframe I just learned about python Jupyter notebooks and there is a term-rewriting flavor of Python:… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@lorentzframe[]

Scott Nimrod [Bizmonger] Why is it that ex- #Java developers that write .NET code ignore defaults? Example: 1. They refuse to use var. 2.… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@Bizmonger They also can pick up habits from C++ people including private fields listed at the top of the class def… []

Emily Kager [EmilyKager] My sister (freshman in college) texted me for Big-O proof help for her Algorithms class saying she's scared CS isn'… []

Immo Landwerth [terrajobst] OH: As a MSFT employee #MVPSummit is the perfect balance between meeting amazing people and being yelled at.

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] from @leolaporte: Femtocell []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Bestselling Wilson Electronics (weBoost) Home & Office Booster Kits []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Universal Audio Arrow Audio Interface Review [] => @megafunkmega

Scott B. Weingart 🤹 [scott_bot] Well this is surreal. I'm reading an article on social network analysis that calculates someone's morale based on t… []

Immo Landwerth [terrajobst] To all the men that keep asking for examples how fucked up the situation for women in tech is. It’s real. Listen to… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@terrajobst And, yes, eventually there will be a "right" time to mention that almost everything cringe-worthy that… []

[Programming Wisdom [CodeWisdom]]( "Programming Wisdom [CodeWisdom]") "The object-oriented version of spaghetti code is, of course, 'lasagna code'. Too many layers." - Roberto Waltman

Jeffrey Snover [jsnover] My first personal computer. []

Jacqueline [JackieMJensen] “When parents model respectful conflict, kids become happier, more creative, and more helpful. Instead of avoiding… []

David McCandless [mccandelish] One of the best (and funniest) accounts of a Vipassana medition retreat I've read: []

Dr. Yana Weinstein [doctorwhy] Someone told me early on in my career: This isn’t some kind of magical higher calling. It’s just a job like any o… []