
“Most common mistakes beginners make in Xamarin.Forms” and other Tweeted links…

Planet Xamarin [PlanetXamarin] Most common mistakes beginners make in Xamarin.Forms []#Xamarin

Kelsey Hightower [kelseyhightower] It’s 2018 and I still can’t center a website both vertically and horizontally.

zeldman [zeldman] Can I use—? Is a great service, but its name is misleading, i.e. even if targeted browsers don’t support @font-disp[]

Jonathan Torke [JonathanTorke] Rough.js: With Rough.js you can create graphics with a hand-drawn, sketchy, appearance []

Matt Bierner [mattbierner] The new @code insiders today, can clean up imports better than Art Vandelay. Works for #javascript and #typescript[]

David Fowler [davidfowl] I do most of my .NET coding on my mac on @code now. Still, when I need to do heavy duty debugging or profiling then… []

Adrian Hornsby [adhorn]@taraw on stage at the AWS DevDays in Benelux - AI State of the Union. #AWSDevDays#AWS[]

Sebastian Eschweiler [s_eschweiler] Check out the free video tutorial: Getting Started With Jupyter Notebook for Python - [][]

Raymond Hettinger [raymondh]#python factlet: Byte arrays have a dual personality with both list methods and string methods. Converting to a r… []

Raymond Hettinger [raymondh]#python tip: How do you combine a list of lists into a single set? >>> lol = [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['b', 'c', 'd'], [… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] wow, in a few seconds @VisualStudio taught me exactly what the new pattern-matching feature is all about. []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Before the VS lightbulb went on: var getterWithConfigurationSupport = getter as IActivityConfigurationSupport; if(… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@VisualStudio Ah, now I see the relationship between pattern matching and polymorphism, no? @terrajobst, @jonskeet

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] I liked a @YouTube video [] Brandon Minnick - async/await best practices

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] I liked a @YouTube video [] GOTO 2017 • The Many Meanings of Event-Driven Architecture • Martin Fowler

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Effective Snapshot Testing []@kentcdodds

Minko Gechev [mgechev] Excited to share my most recent research! 🔬 Applying Machine-Learning with @GoogleAnalytics data for faster[]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] I liked a @YouTube video [] GOTO 2012 • Introduction to NoSQL • Martin Fowler

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] this chart just says that developers with my level experience do not bother to visit @StackOverflow which highlight… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] for my fellow professional devs who are also physics majors might feel comfort in know that there is a physics stac… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] this result is a wake-up call (for me) that the next generation of devs are very, very likely to NOT be self-taught []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] these data show that @StackOverflow has been awesome and an opportunity for me to express my appreciation for this… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] this chart explains (in part) why very, very few Internet presences of African descent have ever asked me a technic… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] i would like to see the data set to constrain this chart for non-Euro-American respondents []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] this chart makes me wonder what is going on with Indian developers with over five years of experience ---do they al… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] this chart basically says (to me) that biological altruism is what makes humanity possible and more experience show… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] this chart is huge to me because it strongly suggests (to me) that young developers are sleep-depriving themselves… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] this shit verifies a stereotype about programmers and @RickStrahl needs to get out there and tell devs to take exer… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Java is pretty much a corporate decision and JavaScript is pretty much a Yahoo-Google artifact of history ---what i… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] very surprised (and pleased) to see .NET Core numbers so high (which probably means [] Core) =… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] this is pretty much telling me to use @MongoDB (probably via @cosmosdb) after i get tired of trying to index static… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] what this chart says to @awscloud employees is that a young, self-learning audience is enthusiastic about AWS ---us… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] on @StackOverflow, #Python is most wanted []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] On @StackOverflow, @code is most loved! []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] this chart is basically saying that F# programmers on @StackOverflow are paid way more money than C# programmers (a… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] this chart suggests (to me) that the new way to escape Java is through #Kotilin [[]] []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] i guess this chart makes sense for a younger demographic, working at companies with <=99 employees (i expected a ma… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] this chart shows that @StackOverflow males de-prioritize culture and other social structuring than @StackOverflow f… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] this @StackOverflow chart shows that the only way a @StackOverflow-population developer is going to get paid is by… []

blackwomenintech [BWiT_ALL] Want to charge your smartphone in 7 seconds? Look to graphene []

EFF [EFF] Facebook has allowed third parties like Cambridge Analytica to violate user privacy on an unprecedented scale. For… []

Scott Hanselman [shanselman] The most important thing you can do once you've reach the top is to send a ladder back down.

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@terrajobst@ch9 .@scottgu alone is cool -he was a manager that wrote Blog posts. That Fowler kid is cool. Brian Be… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@terrajobst@ch9@scottgu@shanselman@MadsTorgersen@migueldeicaza@herbsutter Yeah Bill Hill took typography chic… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@shanselman@terrajobst@ch9@scottgu@MadsTorgersen@migueldeicaza@herbsutter I listened to this years ago, back… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] I liked a @YouTube video [] Uber suspends self-drive programme in North America after fatal accident in Arizona

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] I liked a @YouTube video [] 0 Zero Water Test / Comparison with Fiji, Evian, Aquafina & Remineralization

Scott Nimrod [Bizmonger] Have you ever struggled to stay quiet after reviewing someone's GitHub repo based on an abundance of refactoring op… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@Bizmonger What is worse is when one assumes that another does not want feedback because one has taken another and… []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@Bizmonger Now I do agree that most North Americans born after 1990 do not want my "free" feedback but eventually t… []