
“With Angular v6 it’s now as easy as `ng add” and other Tweeted links…

With Angular v6 it's now as easy as ng add [@angular]( 🌟🌞⚡ []

What's new in #Angular Release 6.0.0 🇬🇧. My article at @JAXenter shows: 🌴Treeshakable Providers ⚡️Angular Elements ("Web Components") 📺Outlook to ngIvy 👷‍♀️Architect in CLI 📦npm Packages 🚦Custom Lazy Loading 🚚ng add + ng update for lib setup []

We doubled-down on Angular CLI features in Angular v6. I have to say that I'm so terrifically excited about the 'update', 'add' and new 'generate' command support added that up-levels the whole ecosystem of effortlessly using and upgrading libraries. [][]

I tried to wait... but @Angular Elements is just too awesome. I can now say Angular has everything I've ever wanted in an app framework. 🙏 @robwormald 🙏#AngularElements[]

What Great UX Designers Do []

Day.js: A Fast 2KB Alternative to Moment.js (with compatible API) - [] (Elegant date/time manipulation and parsing with the tradeoff being around timezones and locales..)

This is a really comprehensive talk on observables in angular. My only nit is TypeScript users should probably use new Observable instead of Observable.create. Otherwise fantastic stuff from @wardbell and @esosanderelias at @ngconf#RxJS#Angular[]

Introducing "List" - a #JavaScript fast immutable list (with #TypeScript support): ✅ Immutable ✅ Faster than arrays ✅ Chained methods ✅ Curried functions ✅ Compatible with tree shaking Check out the project here: [][]

Ivy: A visualization of various sorting algorithms with "async" powered animations []

“Angular 5 - Copy to clipboard” [surprisingly hacky] [] => @meligy [is there a better way?] []

@BryanWilhite This is not really Angular specific. I'm aware there's a JavaScript clipboard API but it probably requires asking the user for permission, which is a bit ugly, and might be the reason people are reverting to such workarounds.

@BryanWilhite This seems to be a good explanation of the browser limitations: []

You may like orr dislike #Angular choices for template vs JSX, change detection mechanism, dependency injection, and NgModule etc, but the current ecosystem around #AngularCLI has quickly evolved into the best tooling ecosystem []

It's not as simple as this tweet reads. Check the thread! []

@Meligy What a coincidence! I was trying to get lodash to work on @stackblitz tonight would like to see at least three examples of it working fine with completion hints and no squigglies.

I liked a @YouTube video [] Angular Elements Quick Start

A brief review of all the exciting updates coming with the new Angular 6 release, including Angular Elements, Service Worker improvements and more. []

AiA 167: Deploying Angular [] via @devchattv <= @John_Papa@wardbell@josepheames

from 2008: JavaScript: Null Coalesce using the || Operator []

groupBy() in Javascript []

Adaptive Cards Overview - Adaptive Cards | Microsoft Docs []

I'm almost ready to move out of Angular JS and show up late to the @angular party once these [] Core on @Azure topics are addressed: - Error pages - Redirects - Deep links

Here is a snapshot of my Not Secure blog, running Angular JS. I notice that I am unable to upload this image to @Flickr because of @SmugMug stuff and, yes, I am old. I look forward to upgrading it to @angular and making it secure. []

The #Azure Storage Explorer is now generally available. Use it to read, query, even manipulate data in: ✔ Table Storage ✔ Blob Storage ✔ Queue Storage ✔ File Storage ✔ #CosmosDB ✔ Data Lake Release notes and link to download: [][]

We just shipped the beta release of Apollo Server 2.0!!!! 🚀🚀🚀 🔥 A production-ready GraphQL server in less than 20 lines of code. 😍 Standalone Server. 🚨 Easier Integration with Apollo Engine. 💃 Oh Yeah. It's backwards-compatible. []

Azure : Create an URL Rewrite Azure Web App []

IIS and [] Core Rewrite Rules for Static Files and Html 5 Routing [] via @RickStrahl

[] Core Dependency Injection – Registering Multiple Implementations of an Interface []

Google Developers Blog:Introducing .app, a more secure home for apps on the web [] via @google

🗺 Well worth the read! Seriously, skip the listsicle and read this 👇 "Road Map for Choosing Between Statistical Modeling and Machine Learning" ✏️ @f2harrell[]#statistics#MachineLearning

The Open Source Roots of Machine Learning []

I have just discovered []. That is all. Chirp.🐣

Some vocal Scala people will be surprised when it will turn out that most people were using Scala just as better Java (and not as wannabe-Haskell) and Kotlin fills this role better.

@k_cieslak I absolutely agree. Kotlin (like fsharp) has pragmatism and productivity at its core that's why it's having more mainstream adoption.

F# Web Development with the SAFE Stack [] via @InfoQ

Episode #86: Python at StackOverflow with Martijn Pieters []@zopatista@TalkPython

C Is Not a Low-level Language Your computer is not a fast PDP-11. []

Announcing the .NET Framework 4.7.2 []

throwing this bit of code out... something about HMAC authentication pairs from RNGCryptoServiceProvider because [] Core kept retiring bits... []

The video of my PSSummit Keynote: PowerShell 2018: State of the Art is now available @ [] I'd love to hear what you think.

PowerShell ErrorLevel equivalent []

Customizing your text colors on the Linux command line [] via @networkworld

A new Twitter experience on Windows []

Wow. 35 years ago today, the first Microsoft mouse shipped and the MS hardware division was born: []

I always get pretty depressed when I see old union cartoons from the late 19th century that are still super relevant to today, like this one []

Over 30? Too Old for Tech Jobs in China []

Wow: [] a freaking huge snapshot of jobs data and less than 10 MSFT-related jobs offered ---like this one in Germany [search page for C#] => @DamianEdwards[]

here is my ad for @Hired_HQ 🤮😔 [not @Hired_UK] []

‘My £1,000 Macbook Air was stolen at airport security and no one cares’ []