
“Upgrading to Angular v6: Step by Step” and other Tweeted links…

Loiane Groner [loiane] Upgrading to Angular v6: Step by Step []#angular

Jonathan Torke [JonathanTorke] 8 Free #JavaScript Image Cropping Scripts & Plugins []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] “Version 6 of Angular Now Available” by @stephenfluin[]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Using Lektor with Travis-CI and GitHub Pages []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Day 2: Static Websites with Lektor, by David Baumgold []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite][]: listen to on @nixjdm in Episode #160: Lektor: Beautiful websites out of flat files []@TalkPython[]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Malicious Chrome Extensions Infect Over 100,000 Users Again []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] .@Meligy have you used the StaticFileModule on IIS for [] Core under @angular? Does this config from Rick Strahl look OK for [] Core: [] ?? => @davidfowl@karaforthewin@brandontroberts@filip_woj[]

Rick Strahl [RickStrahl]@BryanWilhite I think AddSpaStaticFiles() handles those files from within the [] Core app. The rewrite rules never hit [] Core but use the native static file module - more efficient.

David Fowler [davidfowl] If you aren’t using containers for deployment, what’s holding you back? #dotnetcore#aspnet#aspnetcore#dotnet

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Azure Cloud Shell: Access Azure resources in via Bash or #PowerShell via the browser []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Azure Friday | PowerShell in Azure Cloud Shell []@shanselman

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] I liked a @YouTube video [] Docker Containers with Azure App Service

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] .@Azure is too freakin big to have release notes for every new sub-system release—that’s why we have Azure updates: [][]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] It looks like a backwards-compatible web.config file is doing more harm in an Azure App Service. It also looks like IServiceCollection.AddSpaStaticFiles() is doing some of the work that @RickStrahl has for web.config.

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Deliver search-friendly JavaScript-powered websites (Google I/O '18): The Cleanliness of URLs: []#googleio2018[]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] And @danpdc is not even mentioning IIS: []

Daniel Holland [DannyDutch] The population of #Manhattan, hour by hour. []

Daniel Imms [Tyriar] Some handy @code keybindings I wouldn't want to live without: - ctrl+shift+p: Command palette - ctrl+p: Find files by name - ctrl+`: Terminal - ctrl+,: Settings - ctrl+k, ctrl+s: Keybindings - ctrl+shift+e: Focus explorer - ctrl+2: Move file to 2nd editor group ctrl->cmd on mac

Brian Holt [holtbt] Oh man, this was really slick. @Code now does an automated refactor from CommonJS to ES Modules. This will save me so much time. See release notes here for a similar thing, ES6 modules refactor: [][]

Python Visual Studio Code [pythonvscode] Announced at Build this week: VS Live share now in public preview and supports Python! Read more at [], download the extension for VS and VS Code at [][]

Raymond Hettinger [raymondh] That was quick. My #Pycon2018 talk is already on YouTube. #Python : "Dataclasses: The code generator to end all code generators" []

Raymond Hettinger [raymondh]#Python world, here's the slides from my #PyCon2018 talk, "Dataclasses: The code generator to end all code generators". Nice looking but zipped-up read-the-docs style HTML: [] Unattractive LaTeX PDF: []

Scott Sanderson [scottbsanderson] Materials for my #PyCon2018 tutorial, "Foundations of Numerical Computing", are now available at []. If you want to try your hand at the exercises, you can hop into a live environment with [], courtesy of @mybinderteam.

Jon Skeet [jonskeet] Currently replacing a lot of switch statements in Noda Time with switch expressions. Very much looking forward to C# 8 being fully released so I can merge this and the nullability changes...

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] I liked a @YouTube video [] The future of C#

Tim Head [betatim]@krisnova[] - sharing work with others does not suffer from "works for me" anymore

Richard Minerich [rickasaurus] I was an imperative/OO developer for ~15 years. At least half of my time back then was fixing my own or other people's bugs. Now I have a team of 11 + me doing #fsharp and bugs are pretty rare. FP doesn't solve requirements misunderstandings and such though.

Ody Mbegbu [Odytrice] Debugging... []

Digital Trends [DigitalTrends] ‘Rage 2’ is all the rage on Twitter; announcement appears imminent []

TicToc by Bloomberg [tictoc] Symantec shares plummet after disclosing internal investigation [][]

Katie Sylor-Miller [ksylor] My first job in tech, I cried every day but stayed b/c I worried leaving at 4mos would look bad on a resume. 6 years later when it happened again, I left immediately. Both times I moved to better companies that valued & supported me. Don’t stay somewhere shitty for your resume.

Manon Brulard [BrulardManon] Did you know that the first woman to receive a Ph.D in Computer Science was a nun? Sister Mary Kenneth Keller helped to develop a key computer language: BASIC. Such an interesting story #WomenInTech[]

swyx 🇸🇬 [swyx] I think 80% of companies who say they need to hire more engineers actually don’t. They need to - motivate better - communicate better - plan better - retain better - train better Hiring more can often be throwing money to cover up deeper managerial/product issues at the company

Jeremiah Lowin [jlowin] Interviewer: Tell me about your qualifications. Candidate: I'm very quick at math. Interviewer: What's the square root of 700? Candidate: 4. Interviewer: That's not even close. Candidate: Yeah, but it was quick.

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] When I interview a person, I look at their resume and listen to what they say and then customize my questions for them on the spot into the “standard” questions we must ask. Every single person that has interviewed me has NEVER done this.

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] The standard excuse for NOT doing this is the sheer volume of people applying. But this excuse falls apart as the positions get more senior. The other standard excuse is the interviewer being too busy with “real” work which is really a statement about company cultural values.

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] I assert that the real reason this standardized testing is employed by interviewers is to test for CONFORMITY first then technical skill. For an authority figure, steeped in YEARS of CONFORMITY, there is no difference between a lack of intelligence and a lack of CONFORMITY.

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] What really throws me into a STUPOR is the one-perfect-question interview question---where the interviewer pretends to be a mythical creature of wisdom with the perfect, single question when not answered means a lack of knowledge of the entire subject.

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] The last time this happened to me was when I interviewed at @lab49 years ago. The interviewer did not actually take me apart but he had a brilliant, essentialist understanding of the position he was hiring for---and he actually did have ‘perfect’ questions to ask me.

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] So I should not be offended by a handful of “failed” interviews littered with people that think I am stupid. The challenge for myself is to not get so offended by their stupid questions/presentations as it distracts me, locks me down, making me look even more memorably stupid.

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Instead of ranting (in a STUPOR), I should have tweeted this: An interview is NOT an interrogation for a criminal investigation. An interview is NOT an opportunity to administer a standardized test. At worst, an interview should be based on Judo, not the firing squad.

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] At best, a senior-level technical interview should feel like you have just talked to a person that dismantled you with brilliant deduction, Sherlock-Holmes-style, and you are walking away from that experience filled with the desire to learn something new.

Ody Mbegbu [Odytrice] "Programmers like to solve problems, They just don't like to solve OTHER people's problems" - @ScottWlaschin[]

Andy Budd [andybudd] The tech industry fetishises youth. Alongside the many “30 under 30” lists, somebody should start a “50 over 50” list. Note: I wouldn’t be eligible to be on such a list for quite some time, so this isn’t self serving.

Billy Hollis [billyhollis] "Microsoft Al? Is he related to Microsoft Bob?" []

41 Strange [41Strange] A 'Knocker-up' was hired to ensure that people would wake up on time for their jobs. Mary Smith earned sixpence a week shooting dried peas at sleeping workers' windows in East London in the 1930s []