
“How to easily create modern material design cards with HTML and CSS” and other tweeted links…

Jonathan Torke [JonathanTorke] How to easily create modern material design cards with HTML and CSS []

Jonathan Torke [JonathanTorke] Building a Fancy Countdown Timer with MomentumSlider.js []#html5#css#scss#javascript

Meligy 🅰️ ng-sydney [Meligy] Now at #ngAu18#ngconfau, @ErinJZimmer talks us "Angular, the Event Loop & You" []

AngularDoc [angulardocio] We are excited to announce our revamped AngularDoc extension for VS Code ([]). Key features include schematics context menu, and a dedicated "Angular" view that helps you navigate the Angular modules/components. #Angular#vscode[]

Max Koretskyi, aka 🧙‍♂️ [maxim_koretskyi] One of the best in-depth articles on RxJs Subjects. If you don't ever want to be confused about why we have subjects and the differences between different kinds of subjects, this is must read. “RxJS: Understanding Subjects” by @ncjamieson[][]

ᐸGerardSans/ᐳ😉🇬🇧 [gerardsans] ▶️ Live now! Talks on CLI Schematics and NGXS. RT to make some noise 🙌 []@angular#rangleio#angular#ngxs#ngrx#javascript ✨🚀

Stephen Fluin [stephenfluin] Has anyone on the #Angular team ever asked you to squash the commits in your PR? I made a quick animation showing you the three steps: 1. rebase multiple commits into one 2. fix your commit message 3. force push to your branch []

Veerle Pieters [vpieters] For all typophiles out there, it's time to check out this font bundle. One of the typefaces included in this magnificent collection is URW Futura Round, a 14 weight family. It’s a huge one: 269 individual high quality fonts. [][]

Veerle Pieters [vpieters] 70.000 Free Icons (SVG, PNG) In search of some icons? You'll most likely find it here. Free Flat Icons in any format, size and color in 20 seconds. [][]

Veerle Pieters [vpieters] Women in UX: Meet @SaraSoueidan I've learned a lot from the writings of Sara. Get to know her a little better and the path she has been on so far. Inspiring read! []

Typesetting [typesetting] Flexible Typesetting is now available for preorder: [] 📗 @abookapart#27[]

Elizabeth Dinella [dinellae] Check out my new @typescriptlang proposal for refactoring Promise methods to use async/await [][]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] “Setting up a CI pipeline for deploying your Angular application to Azure using Visual Studio Team…” by Fredrik Lundin []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Try This Crazy Hard Color Test [] => @JuneCarol_E

Filip W [filip_woj] ooh [] 9.4.0-preview [] finally offers sync methods to interact with blobs, which is quite useful when you are unable to go async all the way

Stephen Wolfram [stephen_wolfram]#Mathematica30: Reprising a photo from 30 years ago and like Mathematica 1.0 I'm happy to report that I'm still working fine. []

Wolfram [WolframResearch]#WolframChallenges: Write a function that takes a string & finds all possible ways to spell it using abbreviations from the #periodictable. [][]

Wolfram [WolframResearch] The 30-year evolution of #Mathematica; @Stephen_Wolfram discusses the extraordinary #software development process from 1988 to 2018: [][]

Microsoft Cloud Show [mscloudshow]@c_f_johnson & @andrewconnell just finished a great chat with @Microsoft Technical Fellow @jsnover on @Azure Stack and more - out next week in episode 261! Oh yeah... sorry to all our listeners named "Carl"... you are the root cause of a lot of issues :P []

Joe Duffy [funcOfJoe] Today we released and open sourced Pulumi, a new way to build modern cloud software using real languages. Read more on my blog [] or download it at []. []

Julie Lerman [julielerman] Playing with the new SQL Profiler (preview) extension for @sqlopsstudio . This is so awesome!! :) Obviously, a must have on my MBP, but better suits my needs (& so lightweight!) over SQL Profiler on Windows. #SQLServer[]

Damian Edwards ⌚🥃👟💕 [DamianEdwards]#dotnetcore 2.1.1 SDK download is now live!! Thanks everyone for your patience as we worked through the deployment issues the last few days []

Immo Landwerth [terrajobst] We're about to go live to talk about UTF8 strings. []

Immo Landwerth [terrajobst]@troyhunt Same with @DeutscheBank that insists that five-character are the way to go and doesn’t offer proper TOTP support. Security wise, online banking is medieval tech.

Amanda Cavallaro [chibichibibr] Did you know that if you -open an empty index.html file on VSCode - type ! - press enter It gives you a quick HTML boiler plate! 💫 []

Dmitry Alexandrov ✈️ [bercut2000] Using #maven to run some #ant scripts.. []

Jeff Atwood [codinghorror] We should all aspire to write up the bugs we experience with this level of storytelling and precision []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Immutable storage for Azure Storage Blobs now in public preview []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@bchavez@dotnet Waiting on NAuto to move to .NET Core has not been fun so am looking forward to seeing Bogus working there.💪

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] I liked a @YouTube video [] An Introduction to Blockchain with Mark Russinovich : Build 2018

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] whoa, the @code experience is actually better than @VisualStudio: there is this Run Test command that appears to be available even when the Project is not built (which is currently not the case in @VisualStudio especially for .NET Core) <= @pvlakshm[]

Quanta Magazine [QuantaMagazine] Classical computers can’t solve this problem. All quantum computers need is one hint. []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] I liked a @YouTube video [] ASUS Mini PC PN series - Easy modification, maximum possibilities

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] connecting a Mini PC to an external GPU enclosure is not a slam dunk (requires ThunderBolt 3, etc.) [] <= @LinusTech => @megafunkmega

blackwomenintech [BWiT_ALL] Hiring Managers Are Asking Job Seekers to Work for Free (and Stealing Their Ideas) []

WOC in STEM [WOCinSTEMChat] What you’re not learning in your Diversity & Inclusion workshops : The Basics []

Dmitry Alexandrov ✈️ [bercut2000] The way we programmers explain what we've written []

Joe Beda [jbeda] When an engineer says "It has grown organically" then you know that it is a big hot mess.

Scott Dodds [itsBOMBARDIER] me at 14: can’t wait to travel the whole world once i’m earning my own money me now: mustn’t forget that tupperware at work, it’s my only one

Bryan Cantrill [bcantrill] Just because I sometimes need to remind myself: the role of a leader -- any leader -- is to encourage autonomy, foster mastery, and inspire purpose.

Fermat's Library [fermatslibrary] The nabla symbol, commonly used in math to represent the gradient of a function ∇f, is so-called because it looks like a harp and the Greek word for the Hebrew or Egyptian form of a harp is "nabla". []

Melissa McEwen [melissamcewen] It's hilarious to me that during the hiring process tech companies insist candidates know and follow best practices. And then when you actually work there you find out they actually just use a total disaster development process that's held together with duct tape and a few nails.

Jess Dodson [girlgerms] I often get people asking me if I'm worried that, by having this Twitter account, I'm making myself unemployable if I ever leave my current job. I feel that any company that searches for me and wouldn't hire me based on my language, or my outspokenness, doesn't deserve me.

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@girlgerms Never underestimate the “hysterical,” emotional instability of corporate “men” operating under the pretence of objectivity: most of these dudes want to work with their “friends”💂💂

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Microsoft removes mention of ICE cloud work after protests [] via @HoustonChron

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup [] [The full inside story of the breathtaking rise and shocking collapse of Theranos, the multibillion-dollar biotech startup] []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@filip_woj young man,👲 I've been using Windows since I built my first 286-based box💀 and I have always compared it to MacOS as a “desktop publishing”👻 platform, making it impossible to be a favorite of mine👽

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] “A bad system will beat a good person every time.” — W. Edwards Deming [likely via Franz Kafka] []@teslanomicsco[]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] whoa, @Apple refuses to submit to @youtube with their own site for developer videos—check out “Introducing Dark Mode” from #WWDC2018 => @megafunkmega <= @reneritchie[]