
studio status report: 2018-12

Azure spending rate crisis

There are quite a bit of internal notes on this matter but the gist of it is this: moving around App services into resource groups caused two of these services to upgrade themselves to shared App Service plans. These two changes account for the $20 increase in monthly spending. The current assumption is that this matter is resolved.

Research on NPM packaging and modules underway

Research on NPM packaging and modules will lead to organizing/sharing code for Songhay.Player (currently used in Songhay.Dashboard). Ignorance here is a blocker that is preventing further progress for the entire studio (me).

day job is awesome but…

Studio work has to take a back seat to the new day job. I see some opportunities for synergy here and look forward to making holistic progress. But my point for now is the velocity enjoyed for month 8,9,10 and 11 will be significantly reduced going forward.

outstanding issues

The last status report introduced ‘git on Windows is not working with GitHub credentials’ which is still alive and well—and no new clues.

‘Azure DevOps is cool but leaves me wanting’ was also thrown out there and Microsoft’s Edward Thomson has not had the time to chime in on this one. What I expect to see is documentation from Microsoft, detailing how variables work with build-script YAML—and what would be awesome is some kind of online validator of this YAML.