
flippant remarks about BehaviorSubject

It feels like BehaviorSubject was built to make observable store services possible. BehaviorSubject is at the heart of the possibility of never needing a large/complex package like Reduxever. In “State management in Angular with observable store services,” Jure Bajt writes:

…we used the ideas from Redux to create a state management solution that leverages Angular’s (and RxJS’s) features to do its job…

Jure Bajt developed rxjs-observable-store [GitHub] to avoid “pitfall # 1” in “How to build Angular apps using Observable Data Services - Pitfalls to avoid”:

…we don’t expose the subject directly to store clients, instead, we expose an observable… Exposing the subject directly could lead to event soup applications, where events get chained together in a hard to reason way.

To avoid the overhead of managing Bajt’s offering as a package, this is the essential:

import {Observable, BehaviorSubject} from 'rxjs';

export class Store<T> {
    state$: Observable<T>;
    private _state$: BehaviorSubject<T>;

    protected constructor (initialState: T) {
        this._state$ = new BehaviorSubject(initialState);
        this.state$ = this._state$.asObservable();

    get state (): T {
        return this._state$.getValue();

    setState (nextState: T): void {

no, really: what about Redux and ngrx?

Jure Bajt addresses those that recommend Redux:

The solution we developed is a really stripped down version of Redux. It does not “prescribe” how to handle async actions, how to combine reducers, how to implement middleware etc. Its only role is to provide a simple API to update state object and to subscribe to its updates. Stores are otherwise just good ol’ Angular service classes.

Basjt addresses users of ngrx [home]:

I used ngrx in the past and I think it is a really good library for state management. But it also takes longer to learn it, because of all the features it supports. …one may not need a full blown state management library to manage state even in larger applications… I believe less complexity comes from the fact that observable store services heavily depend on Angular features (dependency injection, async pipes etc.) to do a lot of heavy lifting (e.g. cleaning-up unused state when components are destroyed, creating new instances of stores when needed etc.)…
