
studio status report: 2019-02

One “pure” NPM package and two Angular packages

After another miserable, 20-day siege, these are the repositories I have committed to that develop Javascript code reuse in the Songhay Studio:

Here is a selection of GitHub issues detailing the misery:

The bottom line: “pure” NPM packages worked out kind-of-OK while Angular packages from 6.x-era libraries are currently causing runtime problems. Ed Pelc details the other major issue: the need to wrap library modules for lazy loading.

This misery has led me to understand why nrwl would still be a thing in the Angular 6.x time-frame.

the GiHub credentials drama

The ‘git on Windows is not working with GitHub credentials’ error (mentioned last month) is peculiar to one machine. I set up a new Windows 10 VM recently and do not have this issue. This leads me to wonder how to completely clean/reset the Windows 10 credentials stack.