
studio status report: 2019-04

getting this Index App into songhay-ng-workspace

This month saw the archiving of [GitHub] because it is being moved to songhay-ng-workspace. This was quite a forehead slapping moment and should be reflected in this month’s version of ‘sketching out a development schedule (revision 1)’ (below).

making MenuDisplayItemModel grouping and sorting framework agnostic

Another huge slap (that apparently has been over a decade in the making), is the studio-realization that MenuDisplayItemModel grouping and sorting can be done in pure Typescript without regard to Angular, Vue, React, etc.

I developed the DisplayItemUtility [GitHub] to establish what should have super obvious to me at least 10 years ago. My company name is Songhay System—not systems—because here we see one concept that can be implemented in a diverse array of technologies. Once the DisplayItemUtility shows up in C#, it will be the realization of this ideal. (The DisplayItemModel and MenuDisplayItemModel, by the way, are already here: in C# and in TypeScript).

really thinking about display text the Songhay System way

Another huge cognitive step around my late arrival to this thinking party compels me to raise the issue about the limitations of having the display text concept represented by the string. The display text concept should start at plain text and advance through markdown—and optionally store HTML. This introduction of markdown as a super-fine line between plain text and HTML is a subtlety that has escaped me for at least a decade (I am just throwing decades left and right).

For my sanity, I should remind myself that ngx-markdown did not start until 2017/2 but the underlying marked was around in 2011.

sketching out a development schedule (revision 1)

Today the studio development schedule looks like this:

  • finish modernizing @songhay/player-video-you-tube and @songhay/index into a ready state [#11]
  • introduce splash page(s) to the Day Path blog (an SEO emergency—for years) and convert to HTTPs by default
  • use the learnings from existing npm packages to build @songhay/player-audio-???
  • convert the kinté space blog to Hexo (this has been an emergency for years)
  • set up automated social-media posting with Azure logic apps (and a queue of some kind?)
  • modernize the kinté hits page into a progressive web app
  • use the learnings of previous work to upgrade and re-release the kinté space

The Day Path Blog bullet was moved up because many of the later bullets will not be trackable via public GitHub issues.