
“Is CSS a programming language?” and other tweeted links…

Mark Philip D. [markphd_] Awesome talk by @DavidKPiano on UI Animation using CSS & JS. So good to see how both technologies work beautiful together. 😍

CSSConf.Asia [cssconfasia] Reading books, articles, watch videos, go to conferences? @hj_chen shares her way to learn to CSS

Thomas Claudius Huber [thomasclaudiush] The @dotnet team open-sourced huge parts of #WPF on, including PresentationCore and PresentationFramework. AMAZING!!!

And sorry team, I just couldn't wait: 🔥🚀 #XAML #Windows #dotnet #developers

Katie Hempenius [katiehempenius] How many sites* are getting larger?

Over 1 year:

  • 70% of sites got larger.
  • 47% of sites increased JS by 100 KB+.
  • 18% of sites grew by 1 MB+.

GitHub [github] Introducing GitHub Desktop 2.0, now with rebasing and stashing (two of our most requested features) 🎉

Collaborate with ease and be more productive locally.

JavaScript Daily [JavaScriptDaily] FunctionScript: Turn Node Functions into Typed HTTP APIs -

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] The property is a DOMString indicating that the linked resource is intended to be downloaded rather than displayed in the browser.

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] ng update will automatically change the loadChildren syntax to import(), and we no longer recommend using the string-based style like path/to/module#ModuleName

=> @phenomnominal 🙌👍🚀

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] “The collaboration wasn't without its moments. At some point, the duo started developing a falling-out over things like making Natron a clone of Nuke or focusing on original work and new ideas instead.” => @megafunkmega

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] ZDoom now comes in multiple flavours! The primary port, GZDoom, sports advanced hardware (OpenGL) and enhanced software rendering capabilities, while its sister port QZDoom serves a test bed for new (stable) features.

Amy 👩‍💻🐺 [Amys_Kapers] So today I decided to silence the Microsoft voices and give @Azure a go, less than 10 min later I had a static site deployed 🤯 Much better than AWS where 10min later I was still on hold trying to talk to someone about the verification charge to open my account 🤦‍♀️

Chris Gillum [cgillum] I'm trying to get back into blogging about tech stuff I work on. Here is my latest attempt where I talk about the "stateful entities" support we're working on for Azure's Durable Functions.

BioDecoded [BioDecoded] As search needs evolve, Microsoft makes AI tools for better search available to researchers and developers | Microsoft AI Blog


Timothy C B Cox [stranglemole] Build sophisticated algorithms and built-in knowledge from the #Wolfram Language directly from #Python with the Wolfram Client Library for Python. It’s efficient, easy to use and fully open source. See how to get started and get the source code:

Angel [abeaube] On r/SubSimulatorGPT2, “each bot has been trained on text collected from specific subreddits, meaning that the conversations they generate reflect the thoughts, desires, and inane chatter of different groups on Reddit.”

Immo Landwerth [terrajobst] I love that the F# repo is now called dotnet/fsharp. I suggested dotnet/froslyn but @_cartermp wasn't amused.

Jon Skeet [jonskeet] Just found a C# 8 nullable reference types warning in Noda Time. Fixing it by changing Foo(x, x?.Bar) to Foo(x, x?.Bar!) which looks really dodgy... anyone want to guess why it's okay?

{ ”justin”: ”yoo” } ✈️ Seoul #MSIgniteTour [justinchronicle] C# 8.0 will introduce a new feature over interfaces, called default implementation. It makes open-closed principle more flexible, without breaking existing codebase.

Jeremy Danyow [dany0w] In less than 2 years users have recorded 50,000 questions, suggestions, and bugs via the GitHub issues integration on the site. 80% of the issues have been resolved by the content authoring teams. This is a remarkable feat!👏👏👏 ...

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Migrate from packages.config to PackageReference

NuGet PackageReference is not available in Visual Studio 2015 and earlier. Migrated projects can be opened only in Visual Studio 2017.

@oliagavrysh taught me this! 🥳

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] “the DebuggerDisplay Attribute has been around since the beginning of time” @lyrichardson01 => i had no idea 😌😃 [i would override the ToString() method for debug and trace/logging]

Yorunaga [Yorunaga_] The Many Changes & Additions To Find With The Linux 5.2 Kernel

Miguel de Icaza [migueldeicaza] As a kid, the book that made me love math and physics. Russian book, sadly unavailable in English:

DigeTekS, LLC [DigeTekS] "The exposed data included users’ biodata, profile picture, the number of followers they have, their location by city and country, and contact information like the Instagram account owner’s email address and phone number." #instagram #itsecurity #dataleak

Mike Monteiro🌹 [monteiro] To be clear, the problem isn’t tech. It’s the people being excluded from developing tech. We’ve created a monoculture of not-very-bright white boys, showered them with money, and told them they were geniuses.

The system is racist and sexist by design.

Nina Zakharenko 💜🐍 [nnja] 👇I've seen this pattern in the workplace

Kelly Vaughn 🐞 [kvlly] I am:

⭕ single
⭕ in a relationship
⭕ married
🔴 looking for the answer on Stack Overflow

Shubheksha ✨ [ScribblingOn] From where do recruiters on LinkedIn get the confidence to ask you if you'll be interested in moving to the middle to nowhere to work on a legacy Java app as part of a short-term contract? May all of us be blessed with that kinda confidence. 🙃