
Blazor 8 with Dan Roth

This Visual Studio Live! 2023 video calls out the following highlights:

  • streaming rendering
  • apply the @rendermode attribute to Blazor components
  • the “Blazor Web App” template
  • RazorComponentResult for ASP.NET MVC
  • will a future version of Blazor replace eleventy❓
  • Blazor 8 will stop sending *.dll files to the browser
  • Blazor sections for parent-child component rendering
What's New in Blazor for .NET 8

What's New in Blazor for .NET 8

streaming rendering

This feature reduces the need for “web socket” connections by using the main request stream to asynchronously download static HTML:

streaming rendering [📹 watch ]

📖 See “Blazor in .NET 8: Server-side and Streaming Rendering.”

apply the @rendermode attribute to Blazor components

The @rendermode attribute also reduces the need for “web socket” connections by pin-pointing exactly which components need server connection:

the  attribute [📹 watch ]

the “Blazor Web App” template

This new template should eliminate the need for the older server-only or client-only templates replaces the old Blazor Server template as Blazor will be able to “interactively” switch between server and WebAssembly modes:

the “Blazor Web App” template [📹 watch ]

RazorComponentResult for ASP.NET MVC

Clearly Microsoft wants to make progressively iterating to Blazor easier:

 slide [📹 watch ]

The older ways of doing this sort of thing are covered in:

wow, will a future version of Blazor replace eleventy❓

A future version of Blazor components may “generate static HTML content”:

generate static HTML slide [📹 watch ]

See and “Render Razor components outside of ASP.NET Core.”

Blazor 8 will stop sending *.dll files to the browser

Blazor 8 promises to send a “a normal binary WebAssembly module” to the browser by default:

Webcil slide [📹 watch ]

Blazor sections for parent-child component rendering

Dan demos Blazor sections [📹 watch ] which are a direct response a similar feature that has been in SPA apps for years. For more, see “ASP.NET 8 Blazor Sections Fully Explained.”

additional enhancements slide