
studio status report: 2024-05

month 05 of 2024 was about not releasing the new YouTube b-roll player on

This month-05 report is late because of day-job drama around meeting deadlines. The day-job is back in the foreground as it plays a significant role in an upcoming Studio release: SonghayCore version 6.1.2 [PR #171]. This release of SonghayCore will:

  • mark ActivitiesGetter and ProgramArgs obsolete, indicating that the Songhay Activity architecture will depend on Microsoft’s .NET Generic Host [📖 docs] which has been available since .NET 6.0 (2021)
  • translate the conventions and extension methods of ProgramArgs (primarily) to Microsoft’s IConfiguration subsystem (see “Configuration providers in .NET”).
  • add extension methods for JsonNode [📖 docs]

Again, I trust in Microsoft to not make debilitating breaking changes or completely abandoning the .NET Generic Host. Positioning SonghayCore so close to the .NET Generic Host is major move that could stabilize working with the SonghayCore for years to come. As the selected notes below will indicate, this month marks a revelation sitting before me in plain sight:

IConfiguration [📖 docs ] is the cross-platform central ‘hub’ for initial app input.

My serious work with the .NET Generic Host helped me to finally see what is so fundamental about IConfiguration. Here are the other things that went on in month 05, visualized by Obsidian:

Obsidian Graph View

Selected notes follow:

[[Songhay Publications|Publications]]: someone has list of favorite [[Web Component]] libraries

The single responsibility principle

My favourite web components aren’t all-singing, all-dancing powerhouses. Rather they do one thing, often a very simple thing.

Here are some examples:

  • Jason’s aria-collapsable for toggling the display of one element when you click on another.
  • David’s play-button for adding a play button to an audio or video element.
  • Chris’s ajax-form for sending a form via Ajax instead of a full page refresh.
  • Jim’s user-avatar for adding a tooltip to an image.
  • Zach’s table-saw for making tables responsive.

All of those are HTML web components in that they extend your existing markup rather than JavaScript web components that are used to replace HTML. All of those are also unambitious by design. They each do one thing and one thing only.

—“My approach to HTML web components

[[dotnet|.NET]]: there is no longer a need for dotnet-outdated

I have been informed “.NET Core - View outdated packages”:

dotnet list package --outdated

I ignorantly assume this option was added to dotnet list package [📖 docs ] for [[dotnet|.NET 8.0]]—maybe [[dotnet|.NET 7.0]].

[[Songhay System]]: International Conference Alerts 🛫

International Conference Alerts offers instant updates on the latest upcoming international conferences as per topic, month, and country. Get comprehensive details about the well-known conferences, seminars, and workshops occurring worldwide. Meet and interact with eminent researchers and boost your knowledge in the domain of interest. Connect with first-class minds and help modern minds to impart the latest knowledge about a topic. International Conference Alerts provides a free subscription to its users with email notifications about upcoming medical conferences, engineering conferences, business and economics conferences, science and education conferences, and various other conferences.

“Agnostic Render Mode” for [[Blazor]] Components

With the introduction of render modes in .NET 8, we get a lot more flexibility for Blazor applications compared to previous versions.

For example, we can implement an entirely server-rendered web application without any interactivity. Or we can mix and match Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly interactivity in a single application.

To allow for a flexible architecture, I highly recommend setting Blazor components to render mode agnostic.

What does that mean? It means that we want to avoid setting the interactivity type inside a lower-level component. Instead, ==we want to set the render mode when using the component inside a higher-level component==.

This allows a component to be used as part of a Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly interactivity application.

Claudio Bernasconi

[[Songhay Publications]]: the Popover APIhas become a standard #day-job

The Popover API provides developers with a standard, consistent, flexible mechanism for displaying popover content on top of other page content. Popover content can be controlled either declaratively using HTML attributes, or via JavaScript.

—“Popover API

[[dotnet|PowerShell]]: the specific differences between module-Az and direct-to-[[Azure]] CLIscripting

Get-AzContext provides an explicit way to check for authenticated [[Azure]] login credentials while I failed to find an [[Azure CLI]] equivalent:

$azContext = Get-AzContext

if ($null -eq $azContext) {
    Write-Warning "The expected Azure Context is not here. Run ``Connect-AzAccount``? Exiting script."

Get-AzStorageBlob supports wildcards while az storage blob download-batch has to be called for this case instead of just az storage blob download:

comparing two *.ps1 files

However, both az storage blob download* commands expect to write directly to disk while Get-AzStorageBlob needs Get-AzStorageBlobContent piped in for this.

[!important] The greatest weakness in module-Az scripting is the loss of JSON-output by default 😐 which is the heart and soul of the [[Azure CLI]].

[[Windows]]: “Microsoft Confirms it will NOT Fix KB5034441 Error 0x80070643 on Windows 10”

Effectively a followup to [[2024-01-31#hardware Windows 10 Update Error(0x80070643)|my note on month 01]]:

Microsoft Confirms it will NOT Fix KB5034441 Error 0x80070643 on Windows 10

Microsoft Confirms it will NOT Fix KB5034441 Error 0x80070643 on Windows 10

[[dotnet|.NET]]: APIguidance: “Don’t use 404 for Not Found”

A common practice when you design REST APIs is to return a 404 Not Found when a resource doesn’t exist. As I’ve indicated before, the caveat is that most view a resource as explicitly being a record in a database.

The advice in the blog post discusses consistency in a distributed system. The problem is that we’re talking about resources as entities, and in the example given, two systems communicate by calling each other via an HTTP API. The example is very context-specific about the author’s experience and how the system was designed.

Given the author’s context, this entire topic can get very opinionated, and I don’t entirely disagree. However, like I often say, some problems you have don’t need solutions; you just need not have the problem in the first place.

“If you treat 404 as success”. This is the root of the problem. You could have your system return a 410 Gone, which was recommended, but if you treat that as success, you’re in the same situation.

—“How to (and how not to) design REST APIs

[[Azure]]: “Azure SQL and Azure Functions: Integration with SQL bindings | OD131”

The speaker’s strongest point is that there is way to quickly set up a secure APIin front of [[Microsoft SQL Server]]:

Azure SQL and Azure Functions: Integration with SQL bindings | OD131

Azure SQL and Azure Functions: Integration with SQL bindings | OD131

Here are few remarks:

  • this looks like we would be using the repository pattern over a RESTAPI?
  • returning arrays from APIendpoints is considered not a great thing to do
  • will it return 401 for empty arrays?

And, down in the weeds 🐜, yes there is support for query strings [📖 docs ] with the magic Query, um, string. And routes [📖 docs ] are supported as well—which is another way of informing me that HttpTrigger [📖 docs ] has a Route parameter.

[[SQL Azure]] is previewing support for regular expression functions

Introducing Regular Expressions (Regex) support in Azure SQL Database | Data Exposed

Introducing Regular Expressions (Regex) support in Azure SQL Database | Data Exposed

The Regex feature in Azure SQL DB follows the POSIX standard and is compatible with the standard regex syntax and supports a variety of regex functions, such as REGEXP_LIKE, REGEXP_COUNT, REGEXP_INSTR, REGEXP_REPLACE, and REGEXP_SUBSTR. The feature also supports case sensitivity, character classes, quantifiers, anchors, and capturing groups. The feature is available for all Azure SQL DB service tiers and offerings.

—“Introducing Regular Expression (Regex) Support in Azure SQL DB

[[Google]]: Dart supports [[WebAssembly]]

Today, we’re delighted to announce complete support for WebAssembly (Wasm) is available for Flutter Web apps with the latest Flutter 3.22 stable release!

—“Announcing Dart 3.4

[[Songhay Core (C♯)]]: #day-job breakthrough

  • [x] add test coverage to JsonNodeExtensions 🔬🚜✨
  • [x] make remarks about Meziantou.Extensions.Logging.Xunit 📦👍

Meziantou.Extensions.Logging.Xunit 📦👍

The 2023 Gérald Barré article, “How to write logs from ILogger to ITestOutputHelper” introduces Meziantou.Extensions.Logging.Xunit 📦 [🔗 NuGet ] in the context of the [[ASP.NET]] WebApplicationFactory. This distracted me from the following simplicity:

using Meziantou.Extensions.Logging.Xunit;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;

namespace Songhay.Tests.Extensions;

// ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming
public class ILoggerExtensionsTests
    public ILoggerExtensionsTests(ITestOutputHelper helper)
        _helper = helper;
        _loggerProvider = new XUnitLoggerProvider(helper);

    public void LogTraceDataTypeAndValue_Test()
        ILogger logger = _loggerProvider.CreateLogger(nameof(LogTraceMethodCall_Test));
        MyRecord data = new();

    record struct MyRecord
        public MyRecord() { }
        public string One { get; init; } = "one point eight";
        public string Two { get; init; } = "two";
        public DateTime Stamp {get; init; } = DateTime.Now;

    readonly ITestOutputHelper _helper;
    readonly XUnitLoggerProvider _loggerProvider;

I have been waiting for this line for years:

_loggerProvider = new XUnitLoggerProvider(helper);

This is [[]] test-driven encouragement to start developing with ILogger sooner rather than hanging on to ITestOutputHelper ‘logging’ for more testing later.

the [[dotnet|.NET]] ILogger interface and the Songhay Activity IActivity🐙🐈‍⬛

The ILogger interface (and the ecosystem built around it)has been mature enough to eliminate direct concern for TraceSource, coming from IActivity extensions. This means:

  • [ ] remove Songhay.Extensions.IActivityExtensions.StartConsoleActivity 🚜🔥
  • [ ] remove all Songhay.Extensions.IActivityExtensions.StartActivity* methods 🚜🔥

the [[dotnet|.NET]] Hosted Service (IHostedService) and the Songhay Activity (IActivity)🐙🐈‍⬛

The Host Service and the Activity should work together:

[!important] The Songhay Activity depends on the configuration/input and invocation of the IConfiguration interface which is provided by the [[dotnet|.NET]] Hosted Service (and [[ASP.NET]] of course).

It follows that any feature previously developed for the Songhay Activity around configuration/input and invocation should be retired. This means:

  • [ ] remove all Songhay.Extensions.IActivityExtensions.ToActivity* methods 🚜🔥
  • [ ] remove Songhay.Extensions.IActivityExtensions.WithConfiguration 🚜🔥
  • [ ] add Songhay.Hosting.DefaultHostedService 🚜✨

the Songhay ActivitiesGetter class is gone 🚜🔥 #to-do

The built-in DIfeatures of the [[dotnet|.NET]] Generic Host totally eliminates the . The very old design goal to load Activity assemblies from disk via reflection has fallen away. This means that command-line args can specify the name of an Activity type compiled in the assembly and the wonderfully elaborate system [[Microsoft]] built around .AddCommandLine(args) [📖 docs ] can load args-based key-value pairs into the conventional IConfiguration [📖 docs ] assigned to the command line.

This IHostedService [🔗 GitHub ] is loaded (perhaps) like this:

IHostBuilder builder = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args);

builder.ConfigureServices((hostContext, services) =>
    string serviceName = hostContext.Configuration["service"];


    switch (serviceName)  
        case "MyHostedService":  
            services.AddScoped<IRepositoryA, RepositoryA>();

        case "MyOtherHostedService":
            services.AddScoped<IRepositoryB, RepositoryB>();

IHost host = builder.Build();

This switch statement effectively replaces the ActivitiesGetter concept. The Host.CreateDefaultBuilder method [📖 docs ] can load up to four different IConfiguration instances. One of these is for command-line args. I am very motivated to assert that these patterns from [[Microsoft]] eliminate the need for my ProgramArgs concept which has been propagating deeply into business logic 🐭🕳.

The code sample above is based on this little POCsketch:

using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;

namespace Songhay.Tests;

public class GenericHostTests
    [InlineData("--service", "MyHostedService")]
    public void ShouldReadArgs(params string[] args)
        IHostBuilder builder = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args);

        builder.ConfigureServices((hostContext, services) =>
            string serviceName = hostContext.Configuration["service"];

            switch (serviceName)
                case "MyHostedService":

        IHost _ = builder.Build();

[[Microsoft]] has been all-in on [[React Native]]

React Native is an open-source mobile application framework created by Facebook. It is used to develop applications for Android, iOS, Web and UWP (Windows) providing native UI controls and full access to the native platform. Working with React Native requires an understanding of JavaScript fundamentals.

For more general information about React, see the React overview page.

—“Get started build a desktop app with React Native for Windows

React Native at Scale: How Microsoft is betting big on React Native to target BILLIONS of users

React Native at Scale: How Microsoft is betting big on React Native to target BILLIONS of users

You probably know by now that React Native isn’t just for mobile anymore. Thanks to the collaboration between Microsoft and Meta, you can use React Native to target Windows, macOS and mobile.

—“React Native at Scale: How Microsoft is betting big on React Native to target BILLIONS of users – Steven Moyes, Slobo Stipic, Shiven Mian | React Native EU 2022

[[WebAssembly]]: “WebAssembly: A promising technology that is quietly being sabotaged”

The major innovation (or rather regression, as we will see) of WASI 0.2 (also called wasip2 or WASI preview 2) was the Component Model.

The Component model is an attempt at solving the composition of any unit of computing in an universal way.

What does that even mean? It means that the scope of WASI has shifted from calling language B from language A to solving something abstract that nobody has asked for.

—“WebAssembly: A promising technology that is quietly being sabotaged

[[dotnet|.NET]]: IHostedService is injected as a singleton and expects its dependencies to not be ‘scoped’ #day-job #make-blog-post

The following error message characterizes this expectation:

System.AggregateException : Some services are not able to be constructed (Error while validating the service descriptor 'ServiceType: Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.IHostedService Lifetime: Singleton ImplementationType: Songhay.Player.MyJob.Shell.Services.MyManagerHostedService': Cannot consume scoped service 'Songhay.Player.Abstractions.IMyManager' from singleton 'Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.IHostedService'.) 

---- System.InvalidOperationException : Error while validating the service descriptor 'ServiceType: Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.IHostedService Lifetime: Singleton ImplementationType: Songhay.Player.MyJob.Shell.Services.MyManagerHostedService': Cannot consume scoped service 'Songhay.Player.Abstractions.IMyManager' from singleton 'Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.IHostedService'. 

-------- System.InvalidOperationException : Cannot consume scoped service 'Songhay.Player.Abstractions.IMyManager' from singleton 'Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.IHostedService'. 

This error did not show until manipulation like the following ‘provoked’ it:

builder.ConfigureHostConfiguration(builder =>
    builder.AddCommandLine(new[] {"--ENVIRONMENT", Environments.Development});

Weird 😐

sketching out development projects

The current, unfinished public projects on GitHub:

  • replacing the Angular app in with a Bolero app 🚜🔥 depends on:

    • releasing YouTube b-roll player (based on Songhay.Player.YouTube release 6.3.1) on
    • starting on an eleventy version of of the home/splash page
    • starting on a Bolero version of the Songhay Publications Index
  • completing the Songhay.Publications 6.1.0 📦🚀 project

  • start the “Songhay.Publications.Models 6.0.0” 📦🚀 project

The proposed project items:

  • add Entity Framework (over SQLite) features to Songhay.Publications
  • generate Publication indices from SQLite for Songhay.Publications.KinteSpace
  • generate a new repo with proposed name, Songhay.Modules.Bolero.Index ✨🚧 and add a GitHub Project
  • switch Studio from Material Design to Bulma 💄 ➡️ 💄✨