studio status report: 2024-09

month 09 of 2024 was about the first Songhay.DataAccess release in over three years and completing the migration to markdown for Songhay.Publications.KinteSpace NuGet package Songhay.DataAccess was updated to the .NET 6.0 time-frame this Studio is living …

studio status report: 2024-08

month 08 of 2024 was about prepping an Obsidian-based and #day-job Azure success Last month was about deciding and planning to live with the SQLite flavor of Entity Framework with Obsidian-based word processing and Markdown data management.…

studio status report: 2024-07

month 07 of 2024 was about returning to Entity Framework, inclusion of Obsidian in Publications work flow and ‘too many’ other interesting advances The Obsidian graph for this month looks very much like ‘too many’ interesting advances: Obsidian graph for …

studio status report: 2024-06

month 05 of 2024 was about releasing the new YouTube b-roll player on and restarting work on Songhay Publications The Obsidian graph for this month is even more tangled because I have added Studio topics to the mix: Obsidian graph for this…

studio status report: 2024-05

month 05 of 2024 was about not releasing the new YouTube b-roll player on This month-05 report is late because of day-job drama around meeting deadlines. The day-job is back in the foreground as it plays a significant role in an upcoming St…

studio status report: 2024-04

month 03 of 2024 was about finally completing Songhay.Player.YouTube release 6.3.1 📦🚀 Songhay.Player.YouTube 6.3.1 was released but it was immediately followed by release 6.3.2 because of a bug 🐛 related to the tabbing experience revealed in the Studio…

studio status report: 2024-03

month 03 of 2024 was about Songhay.Player.YouTube release 6.3.1 📦🚀 As of this writing, there is only one task left on the Songhay.Player.YouTube project for release 6.3.1. This places the Studio very, very close to replacing the Angular app in…