“Why All The Lambdas?” and other Tweeted Links…
Why All The Lambdas? http://odetocode.com/blogs/scott/archive/2012/11/26/why-all-the-lambdas.aspx
Nice dash of responsive design by @37signals. Details matter. http://littlebigdetails.com/post/36065970418/37-signals-blog-post-header-text-changes-with
A fantastic article by @yaili on how we, designers and developer, can become better communicators - http://bit.ly/RCy0hr
[]( "Stephen Wolfram [stephen_wolfram]") Mathematica 9 released today ... and it's big! http://wolfr.am/TtcsWX
DO WACOM TABLETS WORK IN WINDOWS 8?: http://youtu.be/B2NdwYH1BJc via @youtube
Mads Torgersen has the finest public comprehension of the new async features in .NET I've ever seen! http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Build/2012/3-011
Minority Report arrives with Oblong (Part II) -- Mind blowing UI: http://youtu.be/uW1rAbyjur4 via @youtube
#VisualStudio 2012 Update 1: Including #JavaScript Memory Analysis tool & Memory Profiling for JavaScript Apps http://j.mp/UTFNbd
JSMinNpp - brilliant JSON plugin for Notepad++ http://sourceforge.net/projects/jsminnpp/
@davidfowl @damienguard @davidebbo agree. Still, too many pkgs is unwieldy. Dislike huge dependency graph that often comes for the ride.
excellent article by @drpizza on why Firefox 64-bit should be prioritized, not cancelled http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2012/11/64-bit-firefox-for-windows-should-be-prioritized-not-suspended/
Self-taught African Teen Wows M.I.T.: http://youtu.be/XOLOLrUBRBY via @youtube
My work life is never boring. So many UI/UX tasks.. so little time.. rolls up sleeves.. time to break an industry.