“Windows 8.1 Review” and other Tweeted Links…
Windows 8.1 Review - http://winsupersite.com/windows-8/windows-81-review
Mark your calendars for Windows 8.1! http://bit.ly/1a4iczu
For those partners still at #wpc13, here's a rundown on who's in and who's out in Microsoft's just announced reorg: http://www.zdnet.com/microsoft-3-0-a-meaner-leaner-devices-and-services-machine-7000017931/
Windows 8.1 Enterprise preview is here http://bit.ly/1aWpV0b
@timgthomas Oslo talk was most helpful (for me) http://timgthomas.com/2013/06/ndc-oslo-videos/ #css #html5 #webfonts
Wacom to release their own #Windows8 and #Android tablets for artists http://bit.ly/14iBJsq
For first time ever, feds asked to sit out Defcon hacker conference. http://tinyurl.com/ossu8k6
Open RIA Services is a reality, it is moving time http://www.riaservicesblog.net/Blog/post/Open-RIA-Services-is-a-reality-it-is-moving-time.aspx @jeffhandley @ColinBlair
RIA Services open-sourced http://bit.ly/1dhUyMT
EF6 Release Candidate is available http://blogs.msdn.com/b/adonet/archive/2013/08/21/ef6-release-candidate-available.aspx
Where are the kid coders? Not in U.S. schools http://shar.es/AFJya via @infoworld
Nice! RT @mikeloukides: Cool animation of Bayesian statistics: #rstats http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/2013/09/an-animated-peek-into-the-workings-of-bayesian-statistics.html
WTF is a "Confirmation of cancellation of Windows Store developer account annual registration" email??
John talks about his experiences with functional programming and strong typing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWA_9L70moE&feature=player_embedded#t=0
My #1 #bldwin 2013 pick: Async'ing Your Way to a Successful App with .NET (Channel 9) http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Build/2013/3-301 via @ch9
Microsoft’s Bill Buxton on the next frontier of experience design http://bit.ly/13XQzUX
The Future Of UX Design: Tiny, Humanizing Details http://shawnw.me/12gzVuf
When you tell me the MS Ribbon is just fine, I think: "Stockholm Syndrome." I can't help it. That's what I think.
Google Glass Explorer Edition: Explained! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elXk87IKgCo&feature=youtube_gdata via @feedly
RT @mbcrump: Just blogged: 5 Things I bet you didn’t know about RadControls for #WPF and #Silverlight http://blogs.telerik.com/michaelcrump/posts/13-08-06/5-things-i-bet-you-didn-t-know-about-radcontrols-for-wpf-and-silverlight?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=sm&utm_campaign=button by @mbcrump
http://sblog.net/ - A Minimalistic Blog Engine - Using http://asp.net/ MVC 3 by Karthik. A http://bit.ly/18z6e0Z
@briannoyes Yes. @DurandalJS is on par with @AngularJS for what it does and why to use it. See http://www.johnpapa.net/compare-durandal-to-angular-not-knockout-to-angular/
Skype says it will kill Desktop API by end of 2013 - I bet developers aren't thrilled about this decision http://gigaom.com/2013/07/13/skype-says-it-will-kill-desktop-api-by-end-of-2013/ via @gigaom
PowerShell Deployment Toolkit for System Center - w/funky music too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Es2RPl-BYtk Check out their excellent use of Progress!
sublimetext2 ( Sublime Text 2 is a sophisticated text editor for code, html and p... http://bit.ly/1be33f0 #chocolatey #new
Creating a Clean, Minimal-Footprint http://asp.net/ ... http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/615805/Creating-a-Clean-Minimal-Footprint-ASP-NET-WebAPI
Anatomy of Colors in Web Design: Attention Grabbing Red http://ow.ly/2yUcWc
Nice free hi-res photos that change every 10 days. Great for mock-ups. http://unsplash.com/
Next to Naught: Nexa Slab Font, Typeface with Multi-National Characterset, Dirt-Cheap http://ow.ly/2yxU1z
3 days later, Apple developer center is still down. Minimal information isn’t helping $aapl http://www.marco.org/2013/07/21/adc-downtime
I liked a @YouTube video from @terrylwhite http://youtu.be/cg8Jok7vxA0?a How To Create iPad Apps Using InDesign CS6
Announcing Nicole Sullivan (@stubbornella) as keynote speaker and Jed Schmidt (@jedschmidt) as host of CSSconf.eu: http://2013.cssconf.eu/
i know it's a from a year ago but @sh4na never told me about it :{ ..Andreia Gaita - Inside Mono for Android http://vimeo.com/43529195