“…porting a Silverlight app to iOS” and other Tweeted Links…
Nice step-by-step walkthrough by Nish on porting a Silverlight app to iOS: http://blog.xamarin.com/porting-existing-.net-apps-to-ios/
“A time- and soul-sucking morass of polyfills and workarounds.” @lyzadanger http://alistapart.com/column/do-as-little-as-possible
OK, 12:30AM, MVVM Light works on Xamarin.iOS just like on Xamarin.Android. Pretty happy about the possibilities. #fb
Nice "8.1 features you might not have discovered yet" thread http://www.theverge.com/2013/6/27/4469710/8-1-features-you-might-not-have-discovered-yet (lots more in comments).
Flaterrifics: Flat Minimalist Illustrations and Icons - only $8! http://ow.ly/2A9Cad
This Gaming PC Is Smaller Than a Controller But Still Packs a Punch http://gizmodo.com/this-gaming-pc-is-smaller-than-a-controller-but-still-p-1291326222
[]( "Eric Elliott [dilvie]") There are only two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off by one errors. #lol
Got my Tweeted LinksBuilder back! http://wordwalkingstick.com/Social/TwinksBuilder
Awesome post by my cofounder @keithbrown42 on immutability, which explains why Clojure is on the rise today http://ow.ly/mneH1