“Better Responsive Images With the picture Element” and other Tweeted Links…
Better Responsive Images With the picture Element | Nettuts+ http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/html-css-techniques/better-responsive-images-with-the-picture-element/ via @nettuts
Ever thought of UX design as a Swiss Army knife of Web design? Well, read this and you soon will: http://uxdesign.smashingmagazine.com/2014/01/27/pragmatic-ux-techniques-for-smarter-websites/ by @markodugonjic
Really @dell? No way to return a laptop except during the week? But you have 24 hour support for everything else?
Can we please rid the world of recruiters who don't do any research
Why Google Android software is not as free or open-source as you may think: http://buff.ly/1eiUkFo #android
[]( "Tomás Senart [tsenart]") 7 Habits of Highly Dysfunctional Developers: http://www.ganssle.com/articles/7habits.htm
Learn some basic computer graphics maths with this YouTube Series http://feedly.com/e/lq9jH8J5 via @feedly
Stock photos that don’t suck http://buff.ly/1jHZ4sW
Looking at http://asp.net/ MVC 5.1 and Web API 2.1 - Part 1 - Overview and Enums - Jon Galloway http://weblogs.asp.net/jgalloway/archive/2014/01/21/looking-at-asp-net-mvc-5-1-and-web-api-2-1-part-1-overview-and-enums.aspx
The death of Windows XP affects more than desktops ... over 95% of ATMs are on that OS http://bit.ly/1jhVvvX
Just released Prism for the Windows Runtime on Windows 8.1 - Blaine Wastell - patterns & practices c… http://blogs.msdn.com/b/blaine/archive/2014/01/03/just-released-prism-for-the-windows-runtime-on-windows-8-1.aspx
Coming soon to a device near you: Responsive UI with Luminosity Level http://girliemac.com/blog/2014/01/12/luminosity/ #html5 #css #rwd by @girlie_mac
http://asp.net/ Identity and Windows Azure Table Storage - Stuart Leeks - Site Home - MSDN Blogs http://blogs.msdn.com/b/stuartleeks/archive/2014/01/15/asp-net-identity-and-windows-azure-table-storage.aspx
[]( "Resad Zacina [ResadZa]") Why #Infinite-Scrolling in #Mobile #Apps is Destroying #Content Consumption - http://www.thisiselevator.com/infinitescroll/
12 absolutely and insanely essential utilities for programmers. http://jesseliberty.com/2010/07/29/12-absolutely-and-insanely-essential-utilities-for-programmers/
even whiny feedback is useful even whiny feedback is useful even whiny feedback is useful even whiny feedback is useful
Do you enjoy watching every browser tab you have open reload everything from scratch every damn time you tap on it? If so, get an iPad Air.
All it takes is ONE roll over your iPad cord with a steel office chair caster, and Apple gets another thirty bucks. Shit.
[]( "africatechie [africatechie]") Nigeria’s IT landscape is suffering from negative trade balance – minister http://bit.ly/1d01Tli
Grasp.js is fantastic for JS refactoring: http://graspjs.com/ & there's a Sublime plugin for it: https://github.com/joneshf/sublime-grasp. <3z @gkzahariev
[]( "africatechie [africatechie]") Silicon Savannah: Is Africa tipped for a tech take-off? http://cnb.cx/199ViHK on @cnbc
Micromustache - Stripped down version of the template engine with JavaScript http://buff.ly/J75nZx
[]( "africatechie [africatechie]") Rwandan tech entrepreneur among Top global thinkers |http://bit.ly/1eeNMsy #womenrule
Planetary.js: Interactive Globe Generation and Rendering - http://planetaryjs.com/
interesting piece in here http://blog.nomzit.com/2013/09/29/making-pictocross/ about the iPhone simulator compared to the Windows Phone emulator.
GoodUI http://www.goodui.org/
Getting rid of StandardStyles.xaml in Windows 8.1 - http://wdevne.ws/Jd16EX
[]( "africatechie [africatechie]") Honoring digital women - the 2013 list #DigitalSisterhood: http://bit.ly/1cZT5Mi
It's a great time to be an http://asp.net/ developer ! #MVC4 http://www.asp.net/mvc/mvc4
[]( "Carlos Cardona [cgcardona]") One of the cooler #javascript projects i've seen in a while. #voxeljs http://voxeljs.com/
[]( "africatechie [africatechie]") The main culprits for startups' diversity problem? Investors http://bit.ly/1i54zRB cc: @digundiv @women2