“A detailed introduction to Functional Reactive Programming (FRP)” and other Tweeted Links…
A detailed introduction to Functional Reactive Programming (FRP). https://gist.github.com/staltz/868e7e9bc2a7b8c1f754 written by @andrestaltz
Watch the Keynote Address for the 2014 Release of Creative Cloud - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfFWxQdI6K4&feature=youtube_gdata
Apple and Google move computing forward in identical-yet-incompatible ways http://zite.to/1m7p8RN
Little Card Editor 0.56 makes it easy to break your tweet into multiple lines. http://bit.ly/1pWLgl8
http://asp.net/ MVC 5 Lifecycle Document Published - .NET Web Development and Tools Blog - Site Home - MSDN http://blogs.msdn.com/b/webdev/archive/2014/03/04/asp-net-mvc-5-lifecycle-document-published.aspx
JointJS: An HTML 5 JavaScript Diagramming Library - http://www.jointjs.com/
Want to code smarter in XAML? Learn to use Behaviors effectively http://pluralsight.com/training/Courses/TableOfContents/extending-xaml-applications-behaviors
WPF MVVM with Xaml Type Provider | Sergey Tihon's Blog http://sergeytihon.wordpress.com/2013/04/27/wpf-mvvm-with-xaml-type-provider/
PowerShell ISE keyboard shortcuts and the script to get them: http://tfl09.blogspot.com/2014/07/powershell-ise-keyboard-shortcuts.html
Smart technique by @chriscoyier. SVG
a good choice for Icons. http://css-tricks.com/svg-symbol-good-choice-icons/
A Simple Mixin Alternative to Standard CSS Grids http://enva.to/1kNSHEQ
Nice! CSS3 3D hover effect for thumbnails and images. http://thecodeplayer.com/walkthrough/3d-thumbnail-image-hover-effect Be sure to play the walkthrough.
@wristfeed @tonefone Part of collection on-line here: http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/bibuxton/buxtoncollection/ Full catalogue incl. watches, here: http://www.billbuxton.com/Catalogue.pdf
Master time with Reactive Extensions - You've Been Haacked http://haacked.com/archive/2014/03/10/master-time-with-reactive-extensions/
Beautiful and promising new website for #DataViz: http://dadaviz.com/ . We just uploaded there ;) http://dadaviz.com/i/210 #ddj #rStats
Just fired up Flash for the first time in ages to fix http://doodlebuzz.com/ Felt like bumping into an old friend.
I wont lie, I am a little jealous of the performance of the new .NET JIT: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dotnet/archive/2014/02/27/ryujit-ctp2-getting-ready-for-prime-time.aspx
@ShinNoNoir Great question. the genesis of the Wiimote goes back to 1966 & the 3D Wand developed by Larry Roberts - http://www.billbuxton.com/inputTimeline.html
Announcing the new Roslyn-powered .NET Framework Reference Source http://hnsl.mn/dotnetsource2014 #dotnetsource
.NET Native Deep Dive: Debugging into Interop Code - .NET Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dotnet/archive/2014/06/13/net-native-deep-dive-debugging-into-interop-code.aspx
RIP MetroTwit - Windows' best Twitter client is about to die http://vrge.co/1f6risy
Q&A with Steve Ballmer at Uni of Oxford. Live feed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amc-rwsQXrA Great stuff.
New post: "The inexplicable rise of open floor plans in tech companies" http://nathanmarz.com/blog/the-inexplicable-rise-of-open-floor-plans-in-tech-companies.html
I find it immensely frustrating when the majority of a question's answers are incorrect, e.g. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22321272