“Not sure if you want to install Windows 10 or not?” and other Tweeted Links…
Not sure if you want to install Windows 10 or not? I've done the work for you. Complete Video walkthrough here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bULsgyliru4&feature=youtu.be&list=PL0M0zPgJ3HSfrydBvq11e7ib7DaWZphwE
Apple software quality ain't what it used to be. http://rustyshelf.org/2014/10/01/it-just-works/
Symantec Splits to Focus on Growth Opportunities After a Stalled Turnaround http://a.msn.com/00/en-us/BB8yuV3
Getting Started with the Windows Technical Preview http://bit.ly/1rJKyXv
Announcing MVVM Light V5 for Windows and Xamarin - Congratulations @LBugnion! #XamarinEvolve http://fal.af/1shbCh0
Basics of the Microsoft Design Language: http://msft.it/6014USwq (via @mscurah) #wpdev #windev https://twitter.com/msdevUK/status/520522381262344192/photo/1
[]( "Tech Facts [DailyTechFacts]") The first two video games copyrighted in the U.S. were Asteroids and Lunar Lander in 1980.
.NET Micro Framework http://www.netmf.com/
This wall mounted "exploded" style PC looks fantastic! The blue lights were a nice touch. http://ow.ly/CyiGn
Netduino :: Netduino : Projects and How-To's http://netduino.com/projects/
another classic from @DrWPF: ItemsControl: 'I' is for Item Container « Dr. WPF http://drwpf.com/blog/2008/03/25/itemscontrol-i-is-for-item-container/
GlassWire Network Security Monitor & Firewall Tool https://www.glasswire.com/, recommended by @thurrott
Yes! Animate a path on a @LeafletJS map with the amazing #d3js. Detailed how-to here http://bit.ly/1wU6CiC, #dataviz https://twitter.com/zevross/status/516932895018344448/photo/1
Strip - A Less Intrusive Responsive Lightbox http://j.mp/1n2UMST
10 cool things you can do with Wolfram Alpha and Siri | TUAW: Apple news, reviews and how-tos since http://www.tuaw.com/2011/10/28/10-cool-things-you-can-do-with-wolfram-alpha-and-siri/
How Bad UX Killed Jenny — http://buff.ly/1ymcR2b