“Term-Rewriting in JavaScript for Fun and World Domination” and other Tweeted Links…
Term-Rewriting in JavaScript for Fun and World Domination - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2OEPFbsl50 (@shanselman, @davidfowl) => @lorentzframe
Have the Angular Team lost their marbles? http://blog.dantup.com/2014/10/have-the-angular-team-lost-their-marbles/
Will Google Fonts Ever Be Shut Down? → http://buff.ly/1rZ7tei
Upcoming Changes in Visual Studio Architecture and Design Tools http://blogs.msdn.com/b/visualstudioalm/archive/2014/10/24/upcoming-changes-in-visual-studio-architecture-and-design-tools.aspx
http://asp.net/ MVC 6: New structure of solutions and projects - | Gunnar Peipman - Programming Blog http://gunnarpeipman.com/2014/10/asp-net-mvc-6-new-structure-of-solutions-and-projects/
New NSA director renews pitch to Silicon Valley http://zite.to/1GiKYum
my WPF 'portfolio': Songhay Desktop BiggestBox - Home https://archive.codeplex.com/?p=wpfbiggestbox @uxconnections @uxmatters @billyhollis @briannoyes @csells
10 years ago, would never see Apple people doing so much Microsoft: Cocoa Samurai: Basic MVVM with ReactiveCocoa http://cocoasamurai.blogspot.com/2013/03/basic-mvvm-with-reactivecocoa.html
http://json.net/ 6.0 Release 6 is out on NuGet. New features include vNext CoreCLR support, memory optimization http://james.newtonking.com/archive/2014/10/24/json-net-6-0-release-6-asp-net-coreclr-support-memory-usage-optimizations
Simple Segoe UI Finder app for Windows in the Windows Store http://apps.microsoft.com/windows/en-us/app/simple-segoe-ui-finder/3c9a9976-5a89-43e6-badb-039f57c4a709
cool XAML element: OnPlatform with x:TypeArguments http://developer.xamarin.com/guides/cross-platform/xamarin-forms/xaml-for-xamarin-forms/essential_xaml_syntax/ #xamarinevolve
Sweden Has Its Own Font — http://buff.ly/1suMuPk
The Gabriola font is filled with advanced Open Type features. @shanselman http://www.hanselman.com/blog/MakingAwesomeWeddingDocumentsUsingOpenTypeLigaturesAndStylisticSetsInMicrosoftWord2010AndGabriola.aspx
'It's Time We Started Treating #Content As Part Of The User Experience' - http://ow.ly/Dvo1v via @Moz, @portentint #UX
Building Cross-Platform Applications with Xamarin, Xamarin.Forms and MVVM Light - Bugnion - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrcVQGTXZKM @LBugnion
5 best practices for search box design | Article by SRCH2 http://uxc.io/12PtBBX #UX #design
It turns out "boring" is a critical feature in a database http://spr.ly/6012qsxg