“Hiring! Want to join our Mono/CoreCLR/Android/iOS team?” and other Tweeted Links…
Hiring! Want to join our Mono/CoreCLR/Android/iOS team?[xamarin.com][xamarin.com] and [xamarin.com]
Great Programmers Write Debuggable Code [henrikwarne.com]
Best Practices in Asynchronous Programming [from 2013] [msdn.microsoft.com]
A new font based on Einstein's handwriting is being developed [theverge.com][twitter.com]
OVF => How To Convert Virtual Machines Between VirtualBox and VMware [howtogeek.com]
Virtualization Wars: VMware vs. Hyper V: Which is Right For Your Virtual Environment? @blakejeckel[storagecraft.com]
BUILD 2015 [asp.net] 5 Training Videos - Introduction and Deep Dive [hanselman.com]@shanselman
Build 2015 marks an important step in our journey with developers – and it’s just the beginning [blogs.msdn.com]
SQL Server 2016 public preview coming this summer - SQL Server Team Blog - Site Home - TechNet Blogs [blogs.technet.com]
CSS Flexbox is essentially linear. Seeing it as our layout silver bullet will lead us down another path of hacks. @rachelandrew#aeabos
Gulp as a Development Web Server [code.tutsplus.com] via @tutsplus
Using TypeScript in Visual Studio Code - TypeScript - Site Home - MSDN Blogs [blogs.msdn.com]
Live demo'ing in @codepen at the #msedgesummit. @chriscoyier is definitely proud. [twitter.com]
Microsoft Edge: A Hands-on Preview: I was quite surprised when Microsoft announced that Internet Explorer — th... [sitepoint.com]
Start Your Transpilers [odetocode.com] via @OdeToCode
Announcing TypeScript 1.5 Beta - TypeScript - Site Home - MSDN Blogs [blogs.msdn.com]
Let's push MSEdge forward (and complain less). #msedgesummit[twitter.com]
Web Optimization – Development and Production in [asp.net] MVC6 [davepaquette.com]
Getting Started with [asp.net] 5 with @condrong. Super informtive: [channel9.msdn.com] cc @shanselman@DamianEdwards
Partial Updates for Your RESTful API with JsonPatch in the new ASP .NET 5 [blog.kevindockx.com]
[asp.net] 5 (vNext) Work in Progress - Exploring TagHelpers @shanselman[hanselman.com]
[asp.net] MVC 3 and the @helper syntax within Razor [there since 2011] [weblogs.asp.net]
[]( "Coffee 4 Dev [coffee4dev]") Texgen.js : JavaScript Procedural Texture Generator [jqueryrain.com]
Check out Understanding $q in Angular.js http://wblo.gs/gXP
A Complete Guide to SVG Fallbacks [css-tricks.com]
Why we made vorlon.js and how to use it to debug your #JavaScript remotely - [blogs.msdn.com] more: [kunal-chowdhury.com]
#GameDev Free Game Programming Patterns book [twitter.com]
[]( "Tech Facts [DailyTechFacts]") The first two video games copyrighted in the U.S. were Asteroids and Lunar Lander in 1980
Microsoft is compiling Windows for x86, x64, ARM 32 and "a new processor coming out this fall" #Build2015
Office 2016 Public Preview now available - Office Blogs [blogs.office.com]
Hands-on with Word 2016 Preview for Windows: With the public preview of Office 2016 now available, I threw cau... [thurrott.com]
"I had the same problem until I uninstalled the addin and reinstalled it." [PowerShell Tools] [visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com]
Announcing the GitHub Extension for Visual Studio - The Visual Studio Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs [blogs.msdn.com]
Visual Basic Tools for Visual Studio CTP [visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com]
Extensions for Visual Studio Online, REST APIs for TFS 2015 RC, and more from Build 2015 [blogs.msdn.com]
Tales from the Evil Empire - Visual Studio Code first impressions [weblogs.asp.net] via @bleroy
C# 6.0 support in ReSharper 9.1 | JetBrains .NET Tools Blog [blog.jetbrains.com] via @jetbrains
Sony announces light bulb/speaker combo (but it's not the first). [techhive.com][twitter.com]
The Future of the Prism Library | Visual Studio Toolbox [channel9.msdn.com]
Announcing FsLab: Data science package for Mono and .NET [tomasp.net]
In UK, not supporting Windows Phone is a socio-economic exclusion issue [wmpoweruser.com]
This company fired an employee when she deleted an app that stalked her every move [digitaltrends.com][twitter.com]
16 Tools Every Social Media Manager Should Use [blog.visual.ly][twitter.com]