“How do you manually set Powershell’s OneGet repository source to Chocolatey?” and other Tweeted Links…
How do you manually set Powershell's OneGet repository source to Chocolatey? [serverfault.com]
OneGet, #Windows10 news: “Download the latest 'experimental' release”: [oneget.blob.core.windows.net] [run Get-ExecutionPolicy and watch out]
OneGet, #Windows10 news: “[the official] build does not currently contain the Chocolatey Provider.” [github.com]
moving the local root: “Right click OneDrive in Taskbar > Settings > Unlink > Then launch OneDrive again” [winbeta.org]#onedrive
Really pisses me off when #Windows10 doesn't allow you to something like stop a service EVEN WHEN RUNNING AS ADMIN.
“AngularJS is a Necromancer” by Zack Argyle [medium.com]
Answer:How do I update to the latest version of SASS? [askubuntu.com]
[why gulp-ruby-sass would not wrk for me] Answer: How do I update to the latest version of SASS? [askubuntu.com]
Why you should wait on upgrading to .Net 4.6 [nickcraver.com]
#blender3d fluid simulation basics [youtube.com]@megafunkmega
ES6 Iterators, Generators, and Iterables [blog.domenic.me] via @domenic
“Functionality: lexical scoping "this"” [toddmotto.com]@toddmotto
ES6 note: string interpolation with back-tick syntax:
my class property: ${this.myProp}
[no static properties in ES6; static methods? yes]
ES6 note: there is a new global object: System
ES6 note: do not use var; use let as it is block {} scoped [vimeo.com]@EisenbergEffect
Oh, btw—Bootstrap 4 will be in SCSS. And if you care, v5 will likely be in PostCSS because holy crap that sounds cool.
If you want reasons: more people use SCSS, libsass is crazy fast, syntax os more explicitly clear, and I'm lazy and use SCSS at GitHub.
compare Google's material design [[youtube.com] ] to the Microsoft design language [[vimeo.com] ] @3rdwave_themes
How Designers Destroyed the World (Mike Monteiro) [youtube.com]@megafunkmega
Browsing Through An Apple Industrial Design Book - ASMR [youtube.com] via @megafunkmega
I really hate it when a site creates a completely new, well thought out UI to their website, and only apply it to the first three pages