“@migueldeicaza anybody [ever] try LINQ to mbox with Mono?” and other Tweeted Links…
@migueldeicaza anybody every try LINQ to mbox with Mono? [en.wikipedia.org]
@BryanWilhite I have not, but that sounds like an interesting idea.
@mkristensen Open Command Line stopped opening at the folder level in PowerShell projects on VS2015 other than that, great work!
@BryanWilhite A fix is coming soon
@mkristensen many thanks! ...enjoy yr weekend!
@BryanWilhite Bug fixed. Update coming shortly
@BryanWilhite Get the updated version here [visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com]
@mkristensen works great! Thanks again!
Motion along path in CSS [chromestatus.com]
full-screen landing page [youtube.com]#devtips
iron icons...customizing [youtube.com]#svg
[answers.microsoft.com] amd driver issue
[answers.microsoft.com] atapi error
@JerryNeutron: AMD Phenom II X6 1055T - System Build [pcpartpicker.com] via @PCPartPicker
@JerryNeutron you see two graphics cards there because the ZOTAC did not work [[pcpartpicker.com]]
@JerryNeutron this is what the system looks like now: [twitter.com]
@BryanWilhite are those giant wheels?!
@JerryNeutron it's Farm Tuff! [amazon.com]
@BryanWilhite lol thats amazing. Nice monitor arms btw
@JerryNeutron that's the awesome Ergotron LX [amazon.com]
@JerryNeutron the Farm Tuff wagon works well in a art/photography/film studio workspace -not the traditional home office -but I need a UPS
the #hak5 crew showed me http://wiggle.net/
Encrypt tar files during the tar [ubuntuforums.org]
Sysprep /generalize /shutdown [superuser.com]
Pin shortcuts to the taskbar with Powershell [fbinotto.blogspot.com]
“Using PowerShell to Create a Shortcut” [computerperformance.co.uk]
Powershell: -contains vs. -match and -like [tjrobinson.net]
first, #windows10 enterprise will be installed as a VMware guest, my new Dev VM -then my sager will upgrade itself -but the desktop...?
9 New Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts You Should Know [wired.com]
moving the local root: “Right click OneDrive in Taskbar > Settings > Unlink > Then launch OneDrive again” [winbeta.org]#onedrive
Open Source Is Going Even More Open—Because It Has To [wired.com]
Use New Motion and Effects Features to Captivate Users and Truly Bring Your App to Life (Channel 9) [channel9.msdn.com] via @ch9
51 Blender Shortcuts you need to know [blendernation.com]
Production Notes for Overcooked Vegan Episode 4 @megafunkmega[megafunk.wordpress.com]