
“TFS 2015 Power Tools are available” and other Tweeted Links…

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] TFS 2015 Power Tools are available - Brian Harry's blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs []

Buck Hodges [tfsbuck] TFS 2015 Power Tools are now available: []#tfs2015#VSOnline#vso

Buck Hodges [tfsbuck] Today we published a major update to the VS Online/TFS feature timeline: []#vso#VSOnline#tfs2015

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Move window to new desktop in Windows 10? []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] my wait is over: Sager Notebook Downloading Windows 10 @shanselman@Snubs@carlfranklin[]

carlfranklin [carlfranklin]@BryanWilhite@shanselman@Snubs Nice!!

Jurgen Van de Moere [jvandemo] "5 questions every unit test must answer", by @_ericelliott: []#javascript#tdd[]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@chriscoyier@tmrDevelops does the API support exposing external CSS/JS file data? I'm looking here: []

Chris Coyier [chriscoyier]@BryanWilhite@tmrDevelops I’m afraid I can’t think of an easy way to do that

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@chriscoyier@tmrDevelops so the "Add External JavaScript" dialog is not populating itself from data that can be exposed in an API?

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@chriscoyier@tmrDevelops I think I have no way of knowing how many versions of, say, jQuery I am using across pens --in CodePen Pro?

Chris Coyier [chriscoyier]@BryanWilhite It probably could/would/should be in a public API someday, but currently isn’t.

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@chriscoyier okay... great work though! I switched over from another popular site to yours because is so well done!

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] “Computer Vision APIs are a collection of state-of-the-art image processing algorithms…” []@megafunkmega

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] “Download SDKs, including documentation, samples, and REST wrappers, to develop products using...Project Oxford” []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] oEmbed is a format for allowing an embedded representation of a URL on third party sites. []

Jerry Neutron [JerryNeutron]@BryanWilhite@pimpmysetup Zip-tie/twist-tie all those cables together along the edge of the motherboard if you can

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@JerryNeutron I'll stare at it again and try but would like to see a HTPC case with a cable-management 'basement' -might be a bit tall

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite]@JerryNeutron those power-supply braided cables I've seen on your show might help too...

Tiffany Rayside [tmrDevelops] RED | [] | via @CodePen | #favColorParticlesWeekend#ccc[]

Shawn Wildermuth [ShawnWildermuth] I think you should hire consultants based on skill sets; but hire employees based on communication and learning skills only #devmovesfast