“Azure Container Service is now generally available” and other Tweeted Links…
Azure Container Service is now generally available [azure.microsoft.com]
“let’s build simple base class for our REST clients” [gunnarpeipman.com]
Under the hood of Microsoft's Windows Subsystem for Linux [zdnet.com]
“Windows NT kernel forwards the request to lxcore.sys” [betanews.com]
A practical overview of Service Fabric [hands-on lab] [frankysnotes.com]
“David is the creator of a thing called Stylelint, a tool for keeping your CSS in shape.” [css-tricks.com]
Bootstrap 4 Cheat Sheet [hackerthemes.com] via @arechsteiner
The Importance of Whitespace in Web Design [blogs.adobe.com]
“VS @Code, our favorite code editor has reached that major milestone, v1.0!” [channel9.msdn.com]
Jarvis: an Amazon Echo clone in your browser [iceddev.com]
@mkristensen is there a way to control/configure how Web Essentials auto-downloads a zillion node modules?
@BryanWilhite Web Essentials does not download or install node modules
@mkristensen that's a great choice ---sorry about the false accusation :)
“In my opinion every self-respecting developer shouldn’t use jQuery and use plain javascript.” @tmrdevelops[lennydevelops.com]
Functors, Applicatives, and Monads in Plain English [russbishop.net]
“Roslyn gives users the ability to emit deltas between compilations” [joshvarty.wordpress.com]
Introducing the Microsoft .NET Framework Repair Tool Version 1.3 [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
Canonical unveils 6th LTS release of Ubuntu with 16.04 [insights.ubuntu.com]
Exploiting the ConcurrentDictionary in Asynchronous Applications -- Visual Studio Magazine [visualstudiomagazine.com]
If the property is already set, make sure it is TextTemplatingFilePreprocessor not TextTemplatingFileGenerator. [msdn.microsoft.com]
Ada, the Enchantress of Numbers:Poetical Science [amazon.com]@iAyori@libertymadison@shanselman[twitter.com]
“The women programming the ENIAC .. are widely considered to be the first programmers.” @iayori@tmrdevelops[martinfowler.com]
Researchers Accidentally Make Batteries That Could Last A Lifetime [science.slashdot.org]
How did Slack become so popular? [fundingspree.com]
Why I broke up with Windows Phone: It's not me, it's you @maryjofoley[zdnet.com]
“Transfer files from Air gapped machines using QR codes” when WiFi is down [github.com]
Adobe is selling knobs [youtube.com]@megafunkmega
.@leolaporte talks to @wowzamedia[youtube.com]@mingfeiy
“Bots, which promise to make us more godlike, are instead revealing our all-too-human shortcomings and pettiness.” [nytimes.com]
Top 10 Financial Mistakes Every Software Developer Should Avoid [acodersjourney.com]