
“UX: Improving User Flow Through Page Transitions” and other Tweeted Links…

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] UX: Improving User Flow Through Page Transitions []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] UX: Ten Requirements For Making Home Page Carousels Work For End Users (If Needed) []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] “UX Myths collects the most frequent user experience misconceptions and explains why they don't hold true.” []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Crossing the Site Domain with JavaScript []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Authenticating a user with LinkedIn in [] Core []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] "For the schedule to work it requires the website to be configured as Always On" []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Video: Azure WebJobs 102 - Scheduled WebJobs and the WebJobs Dashboard by Rick Anderson [] via @msdocscom

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] PowerShell Get-AzureWebSiteJob error: “git not found” []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] "Current workaround is to use the -Status flag on Get-AzureRmVM" []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Answer:Does enabling “Always On” in a MS Azure Website make it more expensive? [closed] []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] .@alexandair I did read [] but I still need more detail about Azure and AzureRM modules -differences? @DonovanBrown

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] .@chaosrealm4 you can now search for yourself with @Azure Search on my blog: [] :) @shanselman

[Eugene Shvets [chaosrealm4]]( "Eugene Shvets [chaosrealm4]")@BryanWilhite@Azure Haha cool! ;)

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] okay, i get it: IController and IHttpController are COMPLETELY unrelated -i see now why [] Core would change this

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] WordPress Maintenance Mode: Best Practices []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] How the dotnet CLI tooling runs your code []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] .NET Core 1.0 is Released, but Where is Autofac?: []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Using client certificates in .NET part 9: working with client certificates in OWIN/Katana III [] via @andras_nemes

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Writing Custom Middleware in [] Core 1.0 []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite][] Core 1.0 RTM – Serving Static Files []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Porting a .Net Framework Library to .Net Core - Michael Whelan - behaviour driven blog: []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] First Steps: Exploring .NET Core and [] Core [] via @RickStrahl

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] GCE vs AWS in 2016: Why you should NEVER use Amazon! []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Windows 10, UWP and Composition– Experimenting with Interactions in the Visual Layer @mtaulty[]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] .NET Standard Library with Xamarin Forms []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Xamarin Forms Architectural Guidance []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Introducing free Skype Meetings []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Continuous - C# and F# IDE for the iPad []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Oracle Says It Is 'Committed' To Java EE 8 -- Amid Claims It Quietly Axed Future Development []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Java Spring culture has developed the opinionated Spring Boot []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Just starting out with Domain Driven Design? []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] First Normal Form (1NF) in Theory and Practice []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] There Is No Distinctly Scientific Method []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Don Eyles Walks Us Through the Lunar Module Source Code []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Windows Server containers on Azure Container Service private preview []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Docker Containers on the Desktop []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Windows Containers and Docker []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Add Fuzzy Search to PowerShell []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Time Zones Aren’t Offsets – Offsets Aren’t Time Zones []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] "BSD is what you get when a bunch of Unix hackers sit down to try to port a Unix system to the PC." []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] “The ensuing bug hunt was a good reminder of how just obnoxious web development can get” []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] “Rclone is a command line program to sync files and directories” []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] This student-made gadget can detect fonts and capture colors []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] This robot stingray is propelled by rat heart cells, and it’s teaching us about underwater robotics []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] 10 million Android phones infected by all-powerful auto-rooting apps []

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] “Tech hiring is down 40% and nobody’s talking about it.” @authenticjobs[]

Bryan D. Wilhite [BryanWilhite] Poll: More And More Tech Workers Say They Plan To Leave Their Jobs To Go Elsewhere In The Country []