“AngularJS directive for syntax highlighting with highlight.js” and other Tweeted Links…
AngularJS directive for syntax highlighting with highlight.js. [github.com]
Answer:Why does Sass cache folder get created [stackoverflow.com]
“Electron is a software development platform created by Github…” [wired.com]
“Save Time and Keystrokes with Emmet in Visual Studio Code” [devhammer.net]
“The ‘dotnet watch’ tool is only really useful if you like to run your app in the console.” [rehansaeed.com]
With gulp 3.9, we are now able to use ES6 [markgoodyear.com]@markgdyr
The Troubles with JavaScript Classes [odetocode.com]
“this error message ( "Uncaught TypeError: no access" ) I can find anywhere on the web” [stackoverflow.com]
“see the status of various CSS features, and the level they are currently at check out the CSS Working Group” [rachelandrew.co.uk]
How The World’s Most Beautiful Typeface Was Nearly Lost Forever [buzzfeed.com]
Scott Hunter talks [asp.net] Core at DEV intersection Fall Count Down [channel9.msdn.com]
“This [@Azure] Media Processor (MP) will perform anonymization by blurring the faces of selected individuals..” [azure.microsoft.com]
“we are excited to announce the General Availability of Storage Service Encryption for Azure Blob Storage” [azure.microsoft.com]
API Stylebook: A Collections Of Resources For API Designers [apievangelist.com]
“any modules that depend on modules with a top-level await must also wait” [gist.github.com]
Answer:Azure Storage Blobs: what kind of blob do I get with GetBlobReference()? [stackoverflow.com]
added free, private, git repo to TFS but took too long to find the 'welcome' page; Manage Repositories should take… [twitter.com]
@BryanWilhite Agreed, and we are working on changes that will address that and build on the new nav to do it.
Run Linux commands from cmd.exe prompt in Windows 10 [winaero.com]
Answer:Mount CIFS share gives “mount error 127 = Key has expired” [serverfault.com]
Select-String C:\Scripts*.txt -pattern "Hey, Scripting Guy!" | Select-Object Filename [technet.microsoft.com]
Surprise! Microsoft has the most Open Source contributors on GitHub [mspoweruser.com]
Apple Removed Headphone Jack From New iPhones Because It Owns Largest Bluetooth Headphone Company [mobile.slashdot.org]
Microsoft appears to be removing Windows Phones from their US Microsoft Stores [mspoweruser.com]
Microsoft To Kill The Lumia Brand In Favor of a New Surface Phone, Says Report [hardware.slashdot.org]
Lumia 950 sold out at Microsoft Store in Germany and Austria [mspoweruser.com]
Yea or Nay? Palette's Modular Physical Dials, Buttons and Sliders for Computer Work [core77.com]
Microsoft removes embarrassing YouTube webwrapper app from the Windows store [mspoweruser.com]
Editorial: Microsoft should be putting Windows 10 on phones [mspoweruser.com]
“it's my fault that Google shut down Google Reader” [twitter.com]
Evernote is moving all its data, machine learning tech to Google Cloud Platform [techcrunch.com]
“you don’t need much maths to get started with machine learning..you don’t need a degree to use it professionally” [medium.com]
“Your PhD has given you the perfect tool set to start a high-tech company...” [blogs.nature.com]
Startup employees don't earn more [80000hours.org]
A bushel of Microsoft execs leave the company [mspoweruser.com]
Two critical bugs and more malicious apps make for a bad week for Android [arstechnica.com]