“CSS @supports [CSS feature queries] <= @rachelandrew” and other Tweeted Links…
CSS @supports[davidwalsh.name] [CSS feature queries] <= @rachelandrew
GOTO 2016 • You Can Use CSS For That! • Rachel Andrew [youtube.com]@rachelandrew
Zooming | CSS-Tricks [css-tricks.com]
SVG use
with External Source | CSS-Tricks [css-tricks.com]
CSS Writing Modes ◆ 24 ways [24ways.org]
Understanding SVG Coordinate Systems and Transformations [sarasoueidan.com]@SaraSoueidan
from 2014: SVG symbol
a Good Choice for Icons | CSS-Tricks [css-tricks.com]@chriscoyier [why UX folks stop using icon web fonts]
Angular $broadcast vs. $emit - diffs, pros and cons [geekswithblogs.net]
Front-End Performance Checklist 2017 (PDF, Apple Pages) – Smashing Magazine [smashingmagazine.com]
Logos - CodePen Blog [blog.codepen.io]
Gomix is the easiest way to build the app or bot of your dreams [gomix.com] <= @spolsky => @iAyori
“NetFlix call their implementation ReactiveSocket” [sachabarbs.wordpress.com]
Markdown.css - make HTML look like plain-text [mrcoles.com]
#service Top 5 Technical Issues Large Sites Have with AngularJS [angular.jsnews.io]#Develop#Framework[twitter.com]
In-Memory Caching In [asp.net] Core [c-sharpcorner.com]
Sharing Code Between Azure Functions - CodeProject [codeproject.com]
Local Functions In C# 7.0 [c-sharpcorner.com] [alternative to Func]» @Bizmonger
Microsoft Azure Storage Import/Export Announcements | Blog | Microsoft Azure [azure.microsoft.com]
General Availability: Larger Block Blobs in Azure Storage | Blog | Microsoft Azure [azure.microsoft.com]
GCE vs AWS in 2016: Why you should NEVER use Amazon! – The HFT Guy [thehftguy.com] » @taraw
Notes from the [asp.net] Community Standup –December 13, 2016 | .NET Web Development and Tools Blog [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
Here's Why You'll Love Managed WordPress Hosting from Pressable [pressable.com] <= @spolsky => @megafunkmega
A Brief History of the Cloud | [linux.com] | The source for Linux information [linux.com]
Mathematica vs. R–Advanced Use Cases @WolframResearch[youtube.com]
SQL for Data Science - DZone Database [dzone.com]
Why the Elixir language has great potential – code & coffee [adrian-philipp.com]
Back to Basics: String Interpolation in C# - Rick Strahl's Web Log [weblog.west-wind.com]
“I've replaced MarkdownSharp by [commonmark.net]” [blog.mariusschulz.com]@mariusschulz
Computer Science from the Bottom Up - [feederio.com][feederio.com]
A Simple File Explorer Magic Trick | Coding4Fun Blog | Channel 9 [channel9.msdn.com]
Code Valley: Emergent coding [codevalley.com]
It is easy to rename files in batches using the Windows File Explorer | SuperSite for Windows [winsupersite.com]
HandBrake 1.0.0 Video Converter Arrives After More Than 13 Years in Development [news.softpedia.com] => @megafunkmega
Amazon Go Is About Way More Than Groceries [youtube.com]@TheeNerdwriter => @taraw
40 female founders who crushed it in 2016 | TechCrunch [techcrunch.com] » @iAyori
A Guide to 2017 Conferences | CSS-Tricks [css-tricks.com]@chriscoyier
Hiring an Employee's Buddy Is Fueling a Major Workplace Crisis - Bloomberg [bloomberg.com] => @iAyori, @Bizmonger
Why I only work remotely – Medium [medium.com] » @Bizmonger
“Stack Overflow is a good intention gone incredibly bad.” [dorinlazar.ro]@dorinlazar
Lessons from 3,000 technical interviews… [blog.interviewing.io] => @Bizmonger
What Graduate School in Theoretical Physics Is Really Like [nautil.us]