“Rachel Andrew: Laying Out The Future With Grid And Flexbox” and other Tweeted Links…
Rachel Andrew: Laying Out The Future With Grid And Flexbox - [cssconf.asia] 2016 - YouTube [youtube.com]@rachelandrew
CSSconf EU 2014 | @rachelandrew: CSS Grid Layout [youtube.com] [display: grid]
Databinding SVG with Aurelia [humbletoolsmith.com]
iTyped – Dead Simple Javascript Animated Typing [ityped.surge.sh][twitter.com]
Angular: Angular Material Beta Release, New Flex-Layout library [angularjs.blogspot.com]
Awesome Angular2 Architecture Options and Opinions [blog.dmbcllc.com]
meanwhile, back in Angular 1.x, I resorted to stating
inside a Directive to find my shared Decorator object 😑
I now suspect that the Decorator concept is not friendly to the Directive-centric @angularjs 1.x design -the Service replaces Decorator?
TypeScript String Enums | Angular First [angularfirst.com]
Typography Wars: Has the Internet Killed Curly Quotes? - The Atlantic [theatlantic.com]
Formatting poetry for EPUB and Kindle — Blog — Ben Crowder [bencrowder.net]
Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing: Get help with self-publishing your book to Amazon's Kindle Store [kdp.amazon.com] [no pre tags]
19 Ingenious Design Books to Inspire You in 2017 | WIRED [wired.com]
Glenn Block at TechBash: Escape from Serverland with webtask | raw tech. | Channel 9 [channel9.msdn.com]
Security testing in the cloud with F# and Project Springfield | Seth Juarez | Channel 9 [channel9.msdn.com] » @Bizmonger
Content Negotiation and Custom Formatter in [asp.net] Web API - CodeProject [codeproject.com]
“Google is not guaranteed to run your JavaScript automatically.” [stephanboyer.com]
Getting started with Machine learning on Linux with Python 3 and Scikit-learn - [techarena51.com]
"Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning: A Practical Guide with Applications in Python" [github.com]
Eric Jang: Summary of Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 2016 [blog.evjang.com]
[1412.6621] Why does Deep Learning work? - A perspective from Group Theory [arxiv.org]
Why Data Structures Are Irrelevant To Software Engineering Interviews And What Can Be Done About It – Medium [medium.com]
Why Recursive Data Structures? [raganwald.com]
The Lazy Developer’s Guide to Command Line Building with C# – Mian Labs [mianlabs.com]
The Caching Antipattern [hidefsoftware.co.uk]
Finding an Alternative to Mac OS X - [bitcannon.net][bitcannon.net]
I liked a @YouTube video from @mkbhd[youtu.be] Dope Tech: The Best Drones!
Working remotely, coworking spaces, and mental health - bitquabit [bitquabit.com]
The Imbalance of Culture Fit · An A List Apart Article [alistapart.com]
Oracle lays off 450 employees in Santa Clara [mercurynews.com]