“Getting Started with Aurelia CLI and Boostrap” and other Tweeted Links…
Getting Started with Aurelia CLI and Boostrap - Matthew James Davis [davismj.me]
.@matthewjames great job on your bootstrap-in-Aurelia story 👍🏿[davismj.me]
Switching from React to Vue.js [vuejsdevelopers.com]
karma-runner: By default all assets are served at http://localhost:[PORT]/base/ [karma-runner.github.io]
billtrik/karma-fixture: A plugin for the Karma test runner that loads .html and .json fixtures [github.com]
An 1874 Type Catalog [collectorsweekly.com]
Scribus 1.5.3 free desktop publishing application released! [lxer.com]
Oren Novotny » Announcing Reactive Extensions for .NET 4.0 Preview 1 [oren.codes]
Simple silent video on how to create @azurefunctions in minutes. Read full blog post for more in depth examples.… [twitter.com]
Actor model and using of [akka.net] – Rubik's Code [rubikscode.net]
Enable the Azure CLI with BASH in Windows 10 – Michael Crump [michaelcrump.net]
A Complete Guide To Switching From HTTP To HTTPS [smashingmagazine.com]
Just found this excellent YouTube channel by @Odytrice (Ody Mbegbu) filled with .NET tutorial videos! SUBSCRIBED [youtube.com]
Using Roslyn refactorings with OmniSharp and Visual Studio Code [strathweb.com]
.NET Framework setup verification tool, cleanup tool and detection sample code now support .NET Framework 4.7 [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
Noise: a JSON full text and ad-hoc query engine with example-based query syntax [noisesearch.org]
Testing Bots with Microsoft Fakes [donovanbrown.com]@DonovanBrown
A thread per task keep the headache away - Ayende @ Rahien [ayende.com]
I'm so sick of this crap. The .NET Core build tooling just randomly decided to not work any longer. No changes (in… [twitter.com]
New record on abandoning Edge after a Windows 10 update: 2 minutes. It lags like my gigabit fiber is a dial up modem. Other browsers fine.
Windows is now built on Git, but Microsoft has found some bottlenecks [theregister.co.uk]
Introduction to ARM Assembly Basics [azeria-labs.com] » @terrajobst
Java 9 will be released in a week [java9countdown.xyz]
Blockchains are the new Linux, not the new Internet [techcrunch.com]
Early Linux filesystem reliability [minnie.tuhs.org]
Why are hidden files with a leading tilde treated as super-hidden? [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
Using the CHMOD command effectively @ Computer Plumber [computerplumber.com]
Show Me How To Use Clonezilla - YouTube [youtube.com]
How To Backup AND Restore your Computer with CloneZilla! (BEST HD Tutorial!!) - YouTube [youtube.com]
The rise of the QR code in China [scmp.com]
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] iPhone X: Top 5 Questions Answered!
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] Security Now 628: Equifax Fiasco
Every “real world” IT enterprise has units of work that conceal fundamental problems of architecture and documentation.
Trickle-down workaholism in startups [m.signalvnoise.com]
Woohoo! I’m stoked to be hiring 3 PMs to fill out my team, helping to build key Microsoft tech-audience sites like [docs.microsoft.com]
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