“Going Mobile With React Native” and other twinks…
Going Mobile With React Native – The Clubhouse Blog [blog.clubhouse.io]@kavbojka
60 FPS Animations with CSS3 [medium.com]
p5.js – A JS library to make coding accessible for artists, designers, educators [p5js.org]
From JavaScript to Functional Web Development (part 1) [medium.com]
Regarding things like:
require("thing")(options) connect(thisthing)(thatthing)
JavaScript is the fast food of software: it's delicious, it's cheap, it's ubiquitous and it's also responsible for… [twitter.com]
Life Is About to Get a Whole Lot Harder for Websites Without HTTPS [troyhunt.com]
from 2014: Async Programming - Introduction to Async/Await on [asp.net][msdn.microsoft.com]
.@divega seriously, how is that code-first config going for [ado.net] Core? [github.com] =… [twitter.com]
@BryanWilhite@julielerman@kkurni I updated the proposal today. Hopefully this will be in soon.
@divega@julielerman@kkurni cool, very cool 🧐
Local functions in C# 7.0 | Gunnar Peipman - Programming Blog [gunnarpeipman.com]
Exotic Data Structures [concatenative.org]
Managing DbContext the right way with Entity Framework 6: an in-depth guide [mehdi.me]
Microsoft .NET Architecture Guidance – Premier Developer [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
Less Than Dot - Blog - Mapping Complex types to/from JSON with [json.net][blogs.lessthandot.com]
Use Team Foundation version control commands [visualstudio.com]
VMware Tools or open-vm-tools - Thomas-Krenn-Wiki [thomas-krenn.com]
Remove Files from Git After Adding/Updating .Gitignore – Eric Binnion [eric.blog]
How do I restart a Unity session from the terminal? - Ask Ubuntu [askubuntu.com]
Bash prompt tips and tricks [opensource.com]
How to create your own templates for dotnet new [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com][twitter.com]
Evolution of Linux containers | [opensource.com][opensource.com] » @DonovanBrown
Microsoft ARE reportedly working on a “mobile-like” ARM device [mspoweruser.com]
7 Free Slack Alternatives You Will Love [makeuseof.com] » @lamdacartel, @odytrice
Difference Between apt vs apt-get Explained [itsfoss.com]
interesting overview - Roslyn Compiler Breaking Changes - post VS2017 [github.com]
[]( "Pratap Lakshman [pvlakshm]") The #vstest and testfx (#MSTestV2) repos meet the recommended community standards. Thank you for your contributions… [twitter.com]
Okay ex comp-sci majors: tell me about your favorite Algorithms and Data Structures book @Odytrice@DamianEdwards@terrajobst@davidfowl
@BryanWilhite@Odytrice@DamianEdwards@terrajobst@davidfowl Data Science from Scratch is a book I really enjoyed:… [twitter.com]
@lazycoder@davidfowl@onovotny@terrajobst@gcaughey@jongalloway@DamianEdwards@BryanWilhite@Odytrice BS in Geo… [twitter.com]
“This workshop puts a brain on your Scrum process. You’ll learn how to build up from an Agile /Scrum foundation by… [twitter.com]
virtual reality reality #VR#Humor[twitter.com]
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] Category Theory in Life - Eugenia Cheng
Developer community Stack Overflow lays off reportedly 20% of staff as it [refocuses] business | TechCrunch [techcrunch.com]
The Alarming Prevalence of Data Breach Cover-Ups [troyhunt.com]
Two-factor authentication isn't the be all, end all of cybersecurity ↦ [theverge.com]
8 Ways to Make Money Online as a Programmer [hustle.ng]
Telecommuting is on the rise but only 7% of companies allow it [dailybreeze.com]
Pi is finite [steve-patterson.com]
Ubuntu now in the Windows Store: Updates to Linux on Windows 10 and Important Tips [hanselman.com]
The History of GeoWorks, Microsoft Windows’ Upstart ’90s Competitor (2016) [atlasobscura.com]
It's now 10 years since LINQPad 1.0 was released. Huge thanks to all supporters - you've enabled LINQPad to grow to the product it is today!
We are stuck in 100 year old management systems designed for low skilled factory workers and static markets. Why aren't we questioning it?
If you do open source development and hope to get some kind of return from it, this
guide is a g… [twitter.com]
I propose a new reason for retirement: to live w/o tech so that we're not constantly bombarded w/ notifications fro… [twitter.com]