“A Modern Day Front-End Development Stack” and other twinks…
A Modern Day Front-End Development Stack [linux.com]
Methods to Organize CSS | CSS-Tricks [css-tricks.com]
How to Make a GIF [design.tutsplus.com]
Meet the UX Designer: Joshua Oluwagbemiga [blogs.adobe.com]
The Ultimate UX Reading List to Take You to the Next Level [blogs.adobe.com]
Blazor Brings .NET Back to the Browser [infoq.com]
I've noticed that recently it's become very difficult to scroll through a #Google#Music playlist on #Android becau… [twitter.com]
Minimal ASPNET Core Web API | ardalis [ardalis.com]
How to get the correct Request.Url when behind a load balancer - CodeClimber [codeclimber.net.nz]
Web API OData V4 Batching Part 10 | Software Engineering [damienbod.com] [ODataBatchHandler]
a C# library which parses an OData query ..which can be used to query custom data sources which are not IQueryable [github.com]
Linkarchiver, a new bot to back up tweeted links [parkerhiggins.net]
Monitoring the Nuget feed using Azure Functions – Brandon @ Microsoft [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
Render, route, avoid traffic and search across time zones with #Azure location-based services… [twitter.com]
have a different domain model than your database model, and ..be able to pass the OData query down to the database. [github.com]
Entity Framework Recipe: Many To Many Relationship On The Same Table [mikesdotnetting.com]
What Might Category Theory do for Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science? [j-paine.org] « @DrEugeniaCheng
Category Theory for Computing Science [amazon.com][twitter.com]
Basic Category Theory for Computer Scientists (Foundations of Computing) [amazon.com][twitter.com]
Just released 0.1.0-alpha of my Stack Trace Explorer. [github.com][twitter.com]
c# - When would I use Task.Yield()? - Stack Overflow [stackoverflow.com]
c# - await Task.Delay() vs. Task.Delay().Wait() - Stack Overflow [stackoverflow.com]
multithreading - Are incrementers / decrementers (var++, var--) etc thread safe? - Stack Overflow [stackoverflow.com]
C#/.NET Little Wonders: Interlocked Increment(), Decrement(), and Add() [geekswithblogs.net]
EditorConfig Reference for C# Developers · Kent Boogaart [kent-boogaart.com]
How to change Namespace of T4 Template [social.msdn.microsoft.com]
a bug from 2009: Why does my T4 template append a number to the file name? [stackoverflow.com]
A gentle introduction to functional programming for web programmers using F# – Microsoft Faculty Connection [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
Revisions to previous discussion of the implementation of anonymous methods in C# – The Old New Thing [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
Introduction to MSBuild in .NET Core with Nate McMaster | Code Conversations [channel9.msdn.com]
from 2011: Uninstall package with NuGet–and remove dependencies [marcusoft.net]
PowerShell 6.0 Roadmap: CoreCLR, Backwards Compatibility, and More! [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
How do I remove an old homegroup and create a new one in Windows 10? [social.technet.microsoft.com]
ZeroPhone: a phone for tinkerers and hackers using a Raspberry Pi [hackaday.io]
KeePass – A Best GUI Password Management Tool To Store/Secure Passwords In Linux [2daygeek.com]
I once failed an interview because I said that humility was important to success. The interviewer said he was conce… [twitter.com]
21 Rules of Thumb – How Microsoft develops its Software – David Gristwood's Blog [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
Things Hackers don’t tell you about Hackathons [blog.mindorks.com]
The Lost Art of Manually Calculating Square Roots [medium.com]
How to Get Your First 1,000 Customers [backblaze.com]