“Composite UIs for Microservices” and other Tweeted Links…
Composite UIs for Microservices - A Primer [jimmybogard.com]
Designing the Perfect Slider [smashingmagazine.com]
How the Web Became Unreadable (2016) [wired.com]
The “Million Dollar Homepage” as a Decaying Digital Artifact [lil.law.harvard.edu]
The Biggest UX Design Trends of 2017 | Creative Cloud blog by Adobe [blogs.adobe.com]
After a long break, I'm finally working again on the next release of [html5test.com]. And this is an import… [twitter.com]
@adpedley@jongalloway Over the last couple of weekends I built a .NET Standard SkiaSharp UI framework. It fully su… [twitter.com]
Render, route, avoid traffic and search across time zones with #Azure location-based services… [twitter.com]
Customizing query string parameter binding in [asp.net] Core MVC | StrathWeb [strathweb.com]
Keep your [asp.net] Core secrets safe in production using Azure Application Settings [jonhilton.net]
Introduction to SignalR Core with Mikael Mengistu | Code Conversations [channel9.msdn.com]
[asp.net] Core Razor Pages - Introduction - CodingBlast [codingblast.com]
Weather control as a service: The scaling and seeding of cloud infrastructure – Increment issue 2: Cloud [increment.com]
Entity Framework and Setting Primary Keys on Views | Girl From Out of This World [girlfromoutofthisworld.com]
entity framework - How do I include an unmapped field in a POCO class - Stack Overflow [stackoverflow.com] [NotMapped]
plsql - Create an Oracle function that returns a table - Stack Overflow [stackoverflow.com]
John Papa: MEAN and Cosmos DB - Part 5: Querying Cosmos DB [johnpapa.net]
This is what I have been dying to tell you but could not say. But now we can say! All three platforms in hosted Ag… [twitter.com]
"Add-in" for Microsoft Visual Studio. ODT is free and supports Visual Studio 2017 [oracle.com]
Moving to real time test discovery in Test Explorer | .NET Blog [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]@gotheap » @pvlakshm, @JamesNK
NTLM Hash Leaks: Ancient Microsoft Design Flaw [dylankatz.com]
Project Prague: What is it and why should you care? – Microsoft Faculty Connection [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
What we’ve learned from .NET Core SDK Telemetry | .NET Blog [blogs.msdn.microsoft.com]
Implementing background tasks in .NET Core 2.x webapps or microservices with IHostedService and the BackgroundServi… [twitter.com]
[]( "Radek Miček [radekmicek]") Swift 4: the Good, the Bad and the Lame [radekm.cz]#swiftlang#swift#kotlin#fsharp
Keep Your C# Clean with Tidy C# Extension [dlvr.it]
9 great mechanical keyboards for coders [insights.hpe.com]
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] Top 5 Wireless Headphones Review - The BEST Wireless Headphones for 2016
Interactive Periodic Table of Elements Shows How the Elements Actually Get Used in Making Everyday Things [openculture.com]
Three steps to #DevOps Nirvana: Step 1: Do not try and convince the others Step 2: Do not ask for permission Step 3… [twitter.com]
“Scrum, or common Agile practice, as it’s commonly taught, isn’t enough to create successful products. In the worst… [twitter.com]
Retweet this list of podcasts: dotnetrocks developeronfire testtalks legacycoderocks hanselminutes se-radi… [twitter.com]
Thanks everyone for the kind feedback! My session for #MSFTConnect is now available on demand: live demo of porting… [twitter.com]
Why Are Coding Bootcamps Going Out of Business? [hackeducation.com]
I've heard it said that a computer scientist is a mathematician who only knows how to prove things by induction. --Steven S. Skiena🤓
The world runs on janky software #devdiscuss
My new personal social media policy on LinkedIn: If you send me a job offer that has NOTHING to do with me and is o… [twitter.com]
Have you seen my latest video? [twitter.com]
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