“Apple's Refusal To Support Progressive Web Apps is a Detriment To Future of the Web” and other Tweeted Links…
'Apple's Refusal To Support Progressive Web Apps is a Detriment To Future of the Web' [apple.slashdot.org]
burned again: i thought using @angular/material with @angular 4.x would be a walk in the park along a garden path m… [twitter.com]
“The complete guide to Angular Material Themes” by @tomastrajan[medium.com][twitter.com]
ah, it is now clear to me that @angular material has not been tested thoroughly with its own prebuilt themes -for e… [twitter.com]
Shoelace.css – A back to the basics CSS starter kit [shoelace.style]
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] How to Build an Angular 5 Material App
Peachpie - Open Source PHP Compiler to .NET and WordPress under [asp.net] Core [hanselman.com]
Set Up WordPress with Optimal .htaccess Settings [rosehosting.com]
Rendering beautiful math images with Python [github.com]
App sizes are out of control [trevore.com]
5 Tips for Graphic Designers Switching to UX Design [blogs.adobe.com]
Streaming #Redux state as #Observable using #JavaScript#RxJs[jlik.me][twitter.com]
Interesting... [twitter.com]
It's official! I'm part of the #RxJS core team. Thx @benlesh and @_ojkwon for having me and letting me be a part of… [twitter.com]
Announcing AWS Single Sign-On (SSO). Easily manage SSO access to multiple AWS accounts & business applications!… [twitter.com]
Transforming your VMware environment with Microsoft Azure | Blog | Microsoft Azure [azure.microsoft.com] « via @maryjofoley
Creating Web API With [asp.net] Core Using Visual Studio Code [c-sharpcorner.com]
[asp.net] Core Razor Pages - Handler Methods - CodingBlast [codingblast.com]
[asp.net] Core MVC - Custom Tag Helpers - CodingBlast [codingblast.com]
Encrypting connection strings in web.config - Simple Talk [red-gate.com] [w/ pubxml; depends on aspnet_regiis]
Training a neural network to play Hangman without a dictionary | Blog | Microsoft Azure [azure.microsoft.com]
Natural Language Processing in AI is almost human-level accurate [sigmoidal.io]
A practical explanation of a Naive Bayes classifier [monkeylearn.com]
The Basics of Good T-SQL Coding Style – Part 4: Performance - Simple Talk [red-gate.com]
Data Structures and Algorithms [amazon.com][twitter.com]
Data Structures for Coding Interviews [interviewcake.com]
Profile Guided Optimization Comes to .NET Core [infoq.com]
Directly throw Exception as an Expression – Throw expressions in C# 7.0 [dailydotnettips.com]
Just got my copy of the @ScottWlaschin Book. "Domain Modeling made Functional". Now is a really good time to get yo… [twitter.com]
Is there a alternative to CheVolume : software [reddit.com]
Show HN: Cron Syntax Cheatsheet [healthchecks.io]
Argggh! The phone scammers are now setting their caller id values to names of companies I do business with. They'… [twitter.com]
A Look into NASA’s Coding Philosophy [mystudentvoices.com]
Illegal and undocumented instructions found in every major vendor CPU [blog.koehntopp.info]
Apple paid Nokia $2B as part of a patent lawsuit settlement [techcrunch.com]
4 Ways to Avoid Institutional Memory Loss When Key Employees Leave [schoolkeep.com]
Why I Never Built My SoundCloud Killer [blackhole12.blogspot.com] » @megafunkmega
it looks like this is saying, only 16 percent of Silicon Valley senior devs earn 130K/year: [triplebyte.com]… [twitter.com]
for the corporate socialite, process will always have the higher priority and "over" valuing content will be condem… [twitter.com]
I hate it when your car service dept says there is going to be a survey and then basically tells you that anything… [twitter.com]