“Debugging React Native with Typescript and Visual Studio Code” and other Tweeted Links…
Debugging React Native with Typescript and Visual Studio Code | Adrian Hall [shellmonger.com]
Is there a way to avoid the infamous that = this in typescript - Stack Overflow [stackoverflow.com]
What’s new in Angular 4.2? | Ninja Squad [blog.ninja-squad.com]
angular 5 flexlayout tutorial - [explains that top level container must be display: flex in your CSS] [youtube.com]
angular.io: By using :host we can modify the style while loading the component [stackoverflow.com] [:host(test-selector)]
More CSS Charts, with Grid & Custom Properties [css-tricks.com]
40 Excellent SVG Tools and Dozens of Icon Sets [noupe.com]
If you are into #Angular Performance, you should watch this video with Angular‘s @IgorMinar. [twitter.com]
Not just Angular perf but web perf in general. I intentionally made the talk Angular agnostic so that it's relevant… [twitter.com]
[]( "Daniel Stefanovic [DaniStefanovic]") The "general sibling combinator" (~) in CSS is super handy to add delimiters between elements. No more :first-child… [twitter.com]
I finally did a 'how to make a geogif' blog post, just after the market has peaked, with 2017 US state populations… [twitter.com]
Don't you wish that you could rerun just affected tests with: npm run e2e:affected ... now you can! Check out… [twitter.com]
⚡️ Use #CSS attribute selectors to display links when <a>
has no text value but the href
has a link. 🙏🏻 #FrontEnd… [twitter.com]
11 Things I Learned Reading the CSS Grid Specification :: [medium.freecodecamp.org] (Gets into some interesting thin… [twitter.com]
First official release of Tonu and my audio analysis and visualization component for UWP apps is out:… [twitter.com]
ASPNET-Core-2.0-Stripping-Away-Cross-Cutting-Concerns - Cetus [cetus.io]
Stephen_Wolfram - A Data Curation Adventure Live from Wolfram Summer School - Twitch [twitch.tv]@WolframResearch
A hardware-accelerated machine intelligence library for the web [pair-code.github.io]
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] GOTO 2017 • Why is Rust Successful? • Florian Gilcher
My two favorite papers of 2017 * [arxiv.org] * [arxiv.org] show that deep learning is sim… [twitter.com]
We just released the 1st preview of the next update to #VS2017 version 15.6. See what's new and then don't forget t… [twitter.com]
Installed this @code extension that colourizes matching sets of parens and crying thinking of all time I wasted & h… [twitter.com]
DevOps is merging with IT. There will be no IT that isn't DevOps. The power of DevOps will be simultaneously captured and lost.
The Greatest Visual Studio Code Setup In The World – Burke Knows Words – Medium [medium.com]
“Small functions considered harmful” [medium.com]
If/else if/while is a new one for me. 🤷♂️ [fiercetelecom.com][twitter.com]
Very useful resource by @sarah_edo: Array Explorer [sdras.github.io][twitter.com]
Episode 232: Azure Container Instances [channel9.msdn.com]
openprinting:start [Linux Foundation Wiki] [wiki.linuxfoundation.org]
How to Integrate Git into Your Linux Desktop [linux.com]
Windows Subsystem for Linux on Windows Server - Building Apps for WindowsBuilding Apps for Windows [blogs.windows.com]
Bashing the Bash – Replacing Shell Scripts with Python [medium.com]
I liked a @YouTube video [youtu.be] GOTO 2017 • A Practical Guide to Cybercrime • Richard Clayton
AWS re:Invent 2017: Deep Dive on Data Archiving in Amazon S3 & Amazon Glacier, with (STG304) [youtube.com] » @megafunkmega, @taraw
Wow...just saw some session feedback with the assumption of me NOT being an #Engineer but that guy next to me WAS a… [twitter.com]
I love the #SurfaceBook2, but the more testing we do, the more the power supply becomes an issue. It discharges in… [twitter.com]
this C# test result from years ago tells me how i compare to the population that also took the test -not the whole… [twitter.com]
Japan's 'golden coder' making games apps aged 82 [video] [bbc.com]
Apple’s Hypercard Software, the 1980s Precursor to Hypertext, Now Made Available by [archive.org][openculture.com]
The Myth of the Full Stack Developer [themartec.com]
Engineers in San Francisco Have Mediocre Take Home Pay [mytrove.com]
A note on programmer salaries [stephaniehurlburt.com]
On being a bad manager [m.signalvnoise.com]
“Text Is Keeping Kids from Coding” [medium.com]